Monday, October 28, 2024

Man Down: JD Vance Delivers Blunt Lesson to Jake Tapper in On-Air Exchange

'First of all, I don't buy into the premise of what you're saying...'

(Luis CornelioHeadline USA) Republican vice-presidential candidate Sen. JD Vance took on another leftist news anchor in a viral on-air smackdown on Sunday.  

During an interview on CNN’s State of the Union, Vance refused to let anchor Jake Tapper corner him with questions framing Trump as a “fascist.” 

Vance accused Tapper of mischaracterizing Trump’s comments about holding Liz Cheney, John Kelly, Jim Mattis and Mark A. Milley accountable.

“None of that sounds fascist to you, at all?” Tapper asked Vance, after paraphrasing Trump’s quotes about Cheney.

Vance had none of it in response. He said, “First of all, I don’t buy into the premise of what you’re saying, Jake. … On things that I know that he said, you’re imputing things. You’re taking words out of context.”

Vance rebuked Tapper for cherry-picking Trump’s remarks on Cheney, Kelly, Mattis and Milley to imply somehow the former president would weaponize a second term against his enemies. 

“You’re taking two separate conversations and pretending that they were made at the exact same time,” Vance said. “So, I’m rejecting the premise of your question.”

He continued, “I frankly don’t believe what you’re saying about Donald Trump’s words. If you’d like to put up a clip, and actually put him in context, I think the American people would realize that Donald Trump is a hell of a lot more reasonable than the people like Liz Cheney who would like to lie us into war.” 

Vance then delved into CNN’s past promotion of the Russian collusion hoax, which Democrats and legacy media pushed for nearly Trump’s entire first term. 

“Ask yourself a basic question about network integrity. You guys talked about the Russia hoax non-stop,” Vance said. 

In response, Tapper defended CNN’s coverage, claiming that the “FBI was investigating it, so we covered them.”  

Vance wasn’t having it: “So, you took the words of unnamed FBI agents and put them on your network as if they were the gospel truth. You did it again and again. A viewer of your network would have believed that Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin conspired in 2016. That was totally and preposterously false.” 

Tapper countered, claiming Vance’s remarks were false. They weren’t. Watch the Maze’s video below. 

This marked the third time Vance rebuked partisan hacks in the legacy media in a matter of three weeks.


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