Sunday, June 16, 2024

London Mayor Left in Critical Condition after Vax-Linked Heart Attack

'The worst thing we can do is to lower our guard, be complacent and underestimate the risk these viruses pose to all of us...'

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) Just days after receiving a COVID booster shot, London Mayor Saqid Khan wrote in his latest book that he suffered a heart attack that left him “barely conscious,” InfoWars reported.

The heart attack occurred, according to Khan, while he was speaking at the 2021 COP26 climate conference in Glasgow, Scotland.

“Out of nowhere, I felt a knot in my chest—a kind of tightening,” he wrote, adding that he had to be “carried off the stage” while “barely conscious.”

He also noted that his shirt was “drenched with sweat” and he felt like “was on fire.”

Medical experts claimed to not know what caused Khan’s heart attack.

“It is not known what caused Mr. Khan to suddenly fall ill in Glasgow on November 10, 2021,” the Evening Standard reported at the time. “But medical experts have confirmed that the symptoms and aftermath were consistent with a minor heart attack.”

At the time, however, Khan encouraged Londoners to get the jab anyway.

“I want to be very clear to all Londoners: This deadly virus has not gone away and this winter we’re facing both flu and Covid,” Khan said. “The worst thing we can do is to lower our guard, be complacent and underestimate the risk these viruses pose to all of us.”

Khan noted that he had to be convinced to go to the hospital because he was dedicated to remaining at the climate conference.

“I wasn’t scared,” he said. “I was annoyed because I’d been prepping my speech for the next day, because it was unnecessary stress about something that shouldn’t be stressful.”

Though experts made no statement regarding the cause of the heart attack, Khan had gotten the booster shot just 12 days prior.

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