‘The voters in this state must not be forced to choose between protecting the community’s health and their right to vote…’

(Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) A spate of lawsuits has revealed that, after a failed legislative attempt to pass all-mail voting, corrupt left-wing elites now plan to use the courts in their bid to secure the outcome of the November election.
With the coronavirus crisis largely waning, operatives like former Obama-era Attorney General Eric Holder are rushing to exploit their Overton window of opportunity.
“This case could not be more urgent,” Holder said in a recent statement.
At least one Holder-backed lawsuit is being bankrolled by members of the Democracy Alliance, a cabal of billionaire leftist mega-donors including George Soros and Tom Steyer.
The group’s underlying goal is to use its vast resources to sow political chaos and test the structural integrity of America’s foundering pro-democratic institutions.
Other legal challenges are likely to follow as the oligarch-activists—who cynically claim that the normal process for conducting free elections would pose a health risk—see no qualms in forcing the courts to process their spurious, partisan complaints.
No Time to Waste
Widespread concern about the coronavirus—largely driven by fearmongering leftists and their media allies—has brought out the worst in Democrats as they embrace ex-Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel‘s ignominious mantra: You never want to let a serious crisis go to waste.
Radical progressivist House members have openly acknowledged wanting to use relief funding as leverage to impose their agenda.
The most ambitious goal of all is their ploy to throw the election itself, eroding one of the most sacred pillars of American government right under the nose of panic-stricken citizens, while weaponizing against them the very institutions meant to promote and preserve democracy.
On the same day that President Donald Trump declared a national emergency due to the escalating pandemic, Marc Elias, Democrats’ “best Election stealing lawyer” chimed in with his scheme to force a mail-in-only November election.
I am getting a lot of questions about the November election. While states can set their own primary days, the federal general election is set by federal statute as the the Tuesday following the first Monday in November. This date cannot be changed by a state nor by the President. https://t.co/jxHCLW4MZ4
— Marc E. Elias (@marceelias) March 13, 2020
The treacherous Perkins Coie attorney has his fingerprints on everything from court-forced sue-till-blue gerrymandering to dark money to the Steele Dossier—not to mention cases in which the mysterious appearance of bags of uncounted ballots overturned GOP election victories.
Elias’s Friday the 13th tweet helped inspire a wave of leftists in the Democrat echo-chamber to push for legislation that would allocate billions of dollars to the dubious ballot-grab effort.
Conveniently, the bill already had been drafted prior to Trump’s emergency declaration, as Democrats proceeded to hype projections about millions of Americans dying due to the coronavirus.
Since he’s taking advantage of #VoteByMail himself, I hope Donald Trump would commit to signing my bill into law to help states implement vote by mail through November to keep every American safe. https://t.co/ClEfmnhhL4
— Ron Wyden (@RonWyden) March 12, 2020
However, the scheme was quickly exposed and roundly dismissed by Republicans, including Trump, who saw through the hollow attempt to allow unprecedented levels of election fraud and ballot mishandling.
Absentee Ballots are a great way to vote for the many senior citizens, military, and others who can’t get to the polls on Election Day. These ballots are very different from 100% Mail-In Voting, which is “RIPE for FRAUD,” and shouldn’t be allowed!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 8, 2020
“The Democrats’ all-mail ballots proposal is a ruse to legalize ballot harvesting nationwide,” wrote Ronna McDaniel, chair of the Republican National Committee, in an op-ed for Fox News.
“Any person would be allowed to return an unlimited number of absentee ballots for voters, opening the door for political operatives to deliver ballots in bulk,” she said.
Bad-Faith Motives Exposed

As if Elias’s advocacy for the issue did not raise enough red flags, other activist groups further proved that the Left was acting in bad faith, with its brazenly political motives eclipsing any valid health concerns.
In Virginia, an ACLU-backed lawsuit is attempting fraudulently to use the state’s emergency powers to overturn a longstanding rule that requires witness signatures on absentee ballots, in order to attest that those submitting them are who they claim to be.
In New York, the state audaciously canceled its Democratic primary, suggesting that Joe Biden‘s ascendancy to the rank of “presumptive nominee” rendered any further voting moot—despite several looming questions about the candidate’s fitness.
Although most authoritarian overreaches have been vigorously contested by freedom-fighters on both sides of the political spectrum, the level of collusion and the scope of the Left’s mail-in-ballot campaign are enough to make anyone cringe and shudder in despair.
Elias, who previously represented the Democratic candidate in a high-profile North Carolina investigation that alleged GOP ballot fraud, is now challenging some of the very safeguards that the state implemented in the wake of the 2018 scandal.
His latest lawsuit demands that North Carolina loosen its existing absentee-ballot rules, according to the Raleigh News & Observer.
“The current restrictions on mail ballots not only violate the state Constitution, but they also pose significant risks to voters’ health and safety, and, unless they are remedied, they could result in the disenfranchisement of an unprecedented number of North Carolinians,” Elias complained.
The left-skewed board of elections already has embraced several questionable measures under the auspices of the health panic—even though the state has faced fewer than 500 COVID-related deaths and new cases appear to be receding, with six months still remaining until Election Day.
Among the activist lawsuit’s additional requirements, the state must:
- provide prepaid postage on all absentee ballots
- change a requirement for two witnesses to sign a ballot
- extend the deadline for receipt of ballots until nine days after Election Day
- give voters a chance to fix signature discrepancies before election officials reject those ballots
A Coordinated Attack
The main group leading the legal push, dubbed the Right to Vote Initiative, falls under the umbrella of another group, the Advancement Project, which receives direct funding from Soros’s Open Society Foundations and further support from the Democracy Alliance network.
Other financial backers on its list of shame include:
- the recently radicalized W.K. Kellogg Foundation
- the Ford Foundation, which has been accused of funding terrorists and communist organizers
- the JPB Foundation, endowed by a corrupt investor who was the largest beneficiary of Bernie Madoff’s notorious Ponzi scheme
- the globalist Atlantic Philanthropies, which boasts of having financed the controversial push for Obamacare
- the Colin Kaepernick Foundation
The plaintiffs also have teamed up with the National Redistricting Foundation, an offshoot of Holder’s National Democratic Redistricting Committee, which last year merged with former President Barack Obama’s campaign arm, Organizing for Action, to form a massive super-PAC conglomerate.

“The state must begin preparations now to ensure that the procedures necessary for increased vote at home and safe in person voting are in place for the citizens of North Carolina,” Holder said.
“The voters in this state must not be forced to choose between protecting the community’s health and their right to vote,” he added.
Of course, the pandemic’s “urgency” did little more than nudge the leftist groups to adjust their existing tactics, with the infrastructure in place from their earlier attempts to promote widespread vote fraud.
Activist left-wing groups like Priorities USA already were spending millions—and forcing GOP opponents to do the same—amid their ubiquitous and relentless assaults on election integrity.
In key battleground states like Michigan, where Trump’s 2016 victory helped secure the Electoral College, they were pushing the courts to allow ballot-harvesting even in February.
In response to those earlier efforts, McDaniel and the RNC had pledged $10 million to fight the litigation.
McDaniel warned at the time that activists were “trying to rig the game with frivolous lawsuits that do nothing but create electoral chaos, waste taxpayer money, and distract election officials in an attempt to advance the Democrats’ voter suppression myth because they know they can’t beat President Trump at the ballot box.”