Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Univ. of Kansas Gut-Class Teacher Calls for Trump Voters to Be Shot

'His intent was to emphasize his advocacy for women’s rights and equality, and he recognizes he did a very poor job of doing so...'

(Julianna FriemanHeadline USA) University of Kansas lecturer Phillip W. Lowcock called for Trump voters to be shot during an escalatory rant earlier this semester, video uncovered from his classroom showed.

Lowcock, whose official title was director of international student–athlete support, taught a course in the health sport & exercise science department “taken by a majority of freshman student–athletes,” according to the New American.

In the video, which appears to be from a lecture about the differences in men’s and women’s sleep cycles, Lowcock complains to his students about men refusing to vote for Vice President Kamala Harris.

He begins his rant by saying those who believe men are smarter than women “got some serious problems.”

Apropos of nothing, he then delves into his frustration over the current political landscape, claiming sexism alone is to blame for any perceptions that Harris lacks the necessary intellectual acumen to lead the country.

“There are going to be some males in our society who will refuse to vote for a potential female present because they don’t think females are smart enough to be president,” Lowcock claims, without citing any specific evidence or research.

Video then shows Lowcock frantically gesticulating and pacing around as he flatly introduces his call for violence.

“We could line all those guys up and shoot them if they clearly don’t understand the way the world works,” he suggests.

“Did I say that? Scratch that from the recording,” he continues. “I don’t want the deans hearing that I said that.”

Lowcock was placed on administrative leave, the university confirmed in a statement on X.

“The instructor offers his sincerest apologies and deeply regrets the situation,” said the statement.

“His intent was to emphasize his advocacy for women’s rights and equality, and he recognizes he did a very poor job of doing so,” it added. “The university has an established process for situations like this and will follow that process.”

Lowcock allegedly gave “extremely easy” assignments and “made class very uncomfortable sometimes” with sexual jokes, a former student wrote in a review on Rate My Professors.

Julianna Frieman is a freelance writer also published by the Daily Caller and The Federalist. Follow her on Twitter at @JuliannaFrieman.

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