Friday, July 26, 2024

KAMALA HARRIS: Trump a ‘Predator’; AOC’s Squad ‘Desperate in Need of Help’

‘The thing about them is, by their very nature and character and instinct they prey on the vulnerable…’

(Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Despite claiming she would be a unifying force as president, Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., simultaneously launched an ad hominem attack on the current president while managing a backhanded smack-down of far-left freshman Democrats in the House of Representatives.

During an appearance Wednesday on “Jimmy Kimmel Live,” Harris unloaded on Trump, who during a rally in North Carolina had extended his ongoing feud with “The Squad,” including Reps. Alexandria Ocasio–Cortez, D-NY, and Ilhan Omar, D-Minn.

Trump earlier in the week had suggested the freshman congresswomen—known for expressing anti-American and pro-socialist sentiments—should leave the country, spurring a feeding frenzy of liberal media to accuse the president of racism.

Remarkably, Harris—whose own race-baiting was evident in a recent attack on Democratic front-runner Joe Biden during a June primary debate—tiptoed around that issue, instead attempting to characterize Trump as a “predator.”

Harris explained that Trump’s purpose in “preying” on the freshman congresswomen while largely ignoring her at the rally was that they were less capable of defending themselves.

“The thing about [predators] is, by their very nature and character and instinct they prey on the vulnerable,” she said. “They prey on those they believe to be weak. They prey on those who are in need of help, and often desperate in need of help.”

Echoing Trump’s call that the congresswomen should “go back” to the countries and cultures they preferred over America, Harris said that Trump himself should “go back” to being a reality television host.

“He obviously achieved success there; he has obviously achieved very little success here, so he should just go back to that.”

Ironically, after launching her attack, Harris went on to call for national unity, suggesting that she—despite having promoted extremist positions on issues such as slavery reparations—would be the candidate to achieve this.

“People may not agree with all my policies, people may not vote for me, but I’m gonna tell you this: We have got to get to a place where we as Americans agree,” she said. “We have got to unify as a country around our commonalities, around our collective priorities.”

Harris went on to elaborate on some of her priorities. After having flip-flopped several times over whether she endorsed a Medicare for All bill that would force an end to private insurance, Harris downplayed the radical plan while reaffirming her support.

“The vast majority of doctors will be in that system,” she said, “and you can keep your doctor under that system, and it will be that when you walk into that hospital, when you walk into the doctor’s office, you don’t have to fill out all those forms and give your credit card—you just give your Medicare card and then you walk in and you walk out when you’re done.”

Harris told Kimmel the plan would permit supplemental private insurance, although that point has been widely disputed by analysts of the actual bill that Harris is co-sponsoring with Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt.

Even though she claims she intends to unify the country, Harris also has announced that she would pursue many legislative and policy changes through executive orders—including a sweeping restriction of Second Amendment gun rights.

She told Kimmel that she would seek such unilateral action to allow U.S. citizens to purchase drugs more cheaply from across the border, referring to her plan to go after pharmaceutical companies.

“If we can’t get Congress to act on that, then what I’m prepared to do as president is take executive action to, one, allow people to buy their drugs from Canada,” she said.

Additionally, Harris said she would force drug companies to lower their prices while appointing an attorney general “who will prosecute pharmaceutical companies for predatory practices.”

Detractors have said such moves may dramatically suppress research and innovation within the private medical sector.

Harris’s appearance came on the same day as a Quinnipiac poll of California Democrats revealed only 9 percent of her home-state’s party loyals thought she had the best policy ideas among Democratic primary contenders.

Although Harris narrowly edged out national front-runner Biden as the top choice in the state, where she currently serves as U.S. senator and was previously attorney general, she trailed Biden in a question on who was the best leader and another on who was best equipped to defeat Trump.

She was fourth in the policy ideas question, behind Biden, Sanders and Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass.

Harris told Kimmel, however, that the polls were meaningless to her.

“The only poll that matters to me is on Election Day,” she said.

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