Friday, October 18, 2024

Kamala Shows True Colors, Mocks Christians at Her Rally

'Christians are not welcome in Kamala’s Democrat Party. Vote accordingly...'

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris recently admitted that Christians should not be her supporters, exposing once again how far the Democratic Party distanced itself from God and His religion.

During an Oct. 17 rally in Lacrosse, Wis., an unknown person in the crowd shouted, “Jesus is Lord,” and Harris mocked the person.

“Oh, you guys are at the wrong rally. I think you meant to go to the smaller one down the street,” she said, clearly implying Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s rally in the same town.

As expected from Harris’s supporters, all of them cheered in response.

Robby Starbuck, a conservative activist who recently became well-known for leading the successful boycotts of different leftist organizations, shared a video of a woman who captured the moment after attending the rally.

“Clearly, Kamala doesn’t respect Christians, our beliefs and most importantly, our Savior. Every Christian needs to remember this when they vote and share this with their friends. On Election Day, let’s show politicians what happens when they treat Christianity like this,” he wrote.

Conservative political commentator Benny Johnson agreed.

“Kamala hates Christians. She is directly telling you,” he wrote.

Catholic organization Catholic Vote also criticized Harris for her “vile hatred toward Christians once again.”

Charlie Kirk, founder of Turning Point USA, also suggested Christians learn from Harris’s recent remarks by realizing who they should vote for on Nov. 5.

“Christians are not welcome in Kamala’s Democrat Party. Vote accordingly,” he wrote.

Scott Presler, the founder of Early Vote Action, also admitted that the Democratic Party hates Christians.

Others also wrote even more blatant truth in their responses on social media platforms.

“MAGA is the party of Jesus. Kamala is the party of the devil,” @MJTruthUltra wrote.

People like Xi Van Fleet also wrote that it is not surprising that Harris and the Democrats say things like these because they are communists.

“Communists are anti-Christ!” she wrote.

Some people on Twitter also wrote that they were surprised that some conservatives may think it is possible to be a Christian and a Democrat in 2024, pointing out that Christian values are not aligned with Democratic values at all.

“She’s right. They’re at the wrong rally. Kamala rallies are only about controlling people and murdering babies,” @G_Male_Baby wrote.

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