Monday, October 28, 2024

Judge Cannon Refuses DOJ’s Motion to Keep All Trump Assassination Evidence Secret

'Hearing on the Motion to be scheduled if necessary...'

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) Judge Aileen Cannon has refused to grant the Justice Department’s motion to keep all of the discovery secret in the case of Ryan Routh, the man accused of trying to assassinate Donald Trump at his Florida golf course last month.

Cannon’s Monday decision to refuse a blanket protective order on Routh’s discovery followed a motion filed by the DOJ earlier this month.

The DOJ had argued that a protective order was necessary because Routh could potentially reveal sensitive information about witnesses or law enforcement personnel. They also accused Routh of trying to “influence the public’s perception of the matter or unduly interfere with the proper administration of justice.”

Routh’s attorneys opposed the protective order on the grounds that would prevent Routh from possessing evidence outside the presence of his counsel, which would make it nearly impossible for him to defend himself. They also noted that the DOJ’s proposed order would prevent him from disclosing his political thoughts or opinions he has previously written, including in one of his books.

On Monday, Cannon agreed with the defense. Cannon ordered the parties to “confer by videoconference” by Thursday, and to “endeavor to devise a more limited protective order that more adequately takes into account Defendant’s stated constitutional and logistical concerns.”

“Following such conferral, on or before November 6, 2024, the parties shall file a Joint Status Report on Protective Order, detailing any progress on the protective-order dispute and attaching, as applicable, a proposed amended protective order. Disagreements can be denoted separately in the Joint Status Report,” Judge Cannon added.

“Hearing on the Motion to be scheduled if necessary.”

Meanwhile, Routh’s attorneys are also trying to have Cannon recuse herself due to her having been appointed by Trump, who’s the victim in the case.

Routh’s attorneys also revealed last week that a member of the prosecution team—Christopher Browne of the DOJ’s National Security Section in Miami—attended high school with Cannon. Moreover, Cannon attended Browne’s wedding nine years ago, according to Routh’s motion for recusal.

“It is unclear why the government believed that this information was important enough to share with defense counsel but not important enough to include in its response. And it is unclear why, despite hundreds of able prosecutors in this District and around the country, the government elected to staff its team in this high-profile case with a prosecutor who enjoys a longstanding, personal relationship with the presiding judge,” Routh’s motion said.

It’s not clear when Judge Cannon will rule on the recusal matter.

Ken Silva is a staff writer at Headline USA. Follow him at x.com/jd_cashless.

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