Saturday, September 7, 2024

J6 Tribunal TV Ready to Bullschiff Secret Service

'If there's a way we can reconstruct the texts or what have you, we will... '

(Mark Pellin, Headline USA) Desperate to salvage some shred of what little credibility they have left, the inquisitors behind the J6 Tribunal TV infomercial are preparing to double-down on the wholesale fiction they’re trying to peddle as fact to an increasingly skeptical audience.

Leeching on news that the Secret Service might have deleted some text messages concurrent with events that unfolded on Jan. 6, 2021, the fabulists on the J6 Inquisition are ready to fill in the blanks to fit their witch hunt’s agenda.

Literally filling in the blanks, J6 committee chair Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., has proposed that the inquisitors take it upon themselves to “reconstruct” the allegedly missing Secret Service text messages, reported Axios.

The Secret Service has said that no texts relevant to Jan. 6 or any that had been requested by the J6 committee were deleted as part of a normally-scheduled “system migration” of all mobile devices, during which some data was lost.

“The insinuation that the Secret Service maliciously deleted text messages following a request is false,” said Secret Service spokesman Anthony Guglielmi, adding that Homeland Security “has repeatedly and publicly debunked this allegation.”

The J6 committee has already received nearly 800,000 emails and upwards of 7,600 internal messages relevant to Jan. 6, according to a Secret Service official. None of which matters to the J6 inquisitors, who have subpoenaed the Secret Service for text messages that apparently don’t exist.

“It’s concerning, obviously,” Thompson said of the “missing” texts.

“If there’s a way we can reconstruct the texts or what have you, we will,” he vowed.

Thompson and his Tribunal TV co-hosts desperately need a script rewrite to help spin the wild tales spun by Cassidy Hutchinson, a former White House aide who testified that a totally unhinged President Donald Trump assaulted a Secret Service agent and tried to carjack the presidential limo on Jan. 6.

Hutchinson’s story was quickly refuted by several on-record sources, including Secret Service agents who worked the J6 protests.

Lacking a narrative that fits the J6 committee’s seek-and-destroy Trump agenda, Democrats have decided to once again fabricate evidence that does.

Thompson’s ploy to “reconstruct” text messages adroitly mirrors fellow J6 witch hunter Rep. Adam Schiff’s own “reconstructions” during the disgraceful Trump impeachment show trial.

Schiff was roundly condemned at the time for inventing out of whole cloth a conversation from a telephone call that he claimed took place between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

The fairytale conversation that Schiff concocted made Trump sound like a third-rate mafia thug who was trying to shake down a simp. It was totally bogus, of course, but Schiff’s blatant disinformation served its purpose.

“The question I have is how long is Speaker Pelosi gonna put up with Adam mishandling this investigation?” former Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., asked at the time.

Apparently, for at least a little while longer, as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s J6 inquisitors, Schiff included, are primed to pull the same stunt, swapping fabricated phone calls for manufactured texts.

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