Thursday, June 27, 2024

House Judiciary Seeking Briefing after CIA Denies Interfering in Hunter Biden Probe

'McKenzie indicated that a CIA-specific security clearance was required to receive the briefing...'

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) After apparently catching the CIA in a lie, the House Judiciary Committee is seeking more information about the Agency allegedly blocking federal investigators from using Kevin Morris as a potential witness in the Hunter Biden probe.

Morris was dubbed Hunter’s ‘sugar brother’ after he agreed to loan the First Son a reported $2.8 million to pay off his tax debts, and joined his legal team amid criminal and congressional investigations.

GOP lawmakers have fingered Morris and a key player in the alleged Biden family money laundering scheme. They’ve reveled that Morris, a Democratic donor, assumed a $250,000 “loan” from a Chinese business associate just months after Joe Biden launched his 2020 presidential campaign.

Federal investigators were also interested in Morris at one point. But according to IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley, he “could no longer pursue” Morris for information against Biden, alleging that the CIA “stonewalled” an IRS interview with Morris.

When those allegations were made public in April, the CIA denied them.

However, House Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, said in a letter to the CIA on Wednesday that he has reason to believe the CIA was lying in its denial. In his letter, he included emails from Shapley to the two Justice Department prosecutors who were allegedly called into CIA headquarters in Langley to discuss the Hunter Biden probe—what led to Shapley being blocked from Morris.

“According to email communications produced by SSA Shapley, also enclosed herein, he then requested a classified briefing from [DOJ] regarding the information that the CIA provided to her,” Jordan said.

“Mr. McKenzie indicated that a CIA-specific security clearance was required to receive the briefing—a clearance ‘that was unlikely to have been obtained by DOJ Tax Attorney Morgan or AUSA Wolf,’” he said.

“In sum, SSA Shapley’s affidavit and the supporting documentation present clear and contemporaneous evidence that [the CIA’s denial] was potentially false and/or misleading.”

Jordan’s committee seeks more records, as well as a briefing about the matter, by June 25.

Ken Silva is a staff writer at Headline USA. Follow him at twitter.com/jd_cashless.

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