Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Hillary Claims Durham Trying to Distract, Sends Backers to Vanity Fair for Truth

'The more his misdeeds are exposed, the more they lie... '

(John RansomHeadline USA) Citing that beacon of hardboiled investigative journalism, Vanity Fair, for proof she’s innocent, Hillary Clinton once again blamed a “vast right-wing” conspiracy against her for the latest spying scandal against President Donald Trump that involved her doomed 2016 campaign.

“Trump & Fox are desperately spinning up a fake scandal to distract from his real ones,” Hillary tweeted. “So it’s a day that ends in Y.”

“The more his misdeeds are exposed, the more they lie,” Clinton added, before sending people to Vanity Fair.

Vanity Fair’s political correspondent, unsurprisingly, said that the allegations of spying by the Clinton campaign weren’t true, after calling Trump a “moron.”

That the former secretary of state/Democrat presidential nominee would pay attention to the reporting on the newly-minted filings in the case by special prosecutor John Durham, which alleged her campaign paid a law firm to spy on Trump before and after the election, is probably a better indication of her complicity in the scandal than anything else.

But another indication popped up later, when President Joe Biden’s press secretary, Jen Psaki, refused to answer reporters’ questions about the case and instead referred the reporters to the Justice Department.

“I would point you – any questions about this – to the Department of Justice,” Psaki said during her briefing Wednesday, according to the Daily Mail.

“When pushed on if ‘monitoring internet traffic’ could be defined as spying, as detailed in Special Counsel John Durham’s report, Psaki repeated her direction for reporters to take questions to the Justice Department,” the Daily Mail reported.

The Wall Street Journal editorial board, for one, thinks that Trump was really spied on, and said so in an editorial.

The Washington Post, however, in a completely unintended irony in defense of Hillary– whose husband once said that whether he did or didn’t commit perjury depends on the definition of the word “is”– claimed that whether the Clinton campaign spied on Trump or not depends on the definition of another word.

“To some extent, one’s evaluation of that assertion depends on the definition of ‘spying,’” reported the paper, which recently had to correct and revise volumes of its shameful reporting on the now-debunked Steele dossier.

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