Friday, July 26, 2024

Glenn Beck Lays Out Detailed Plan to Hold Biden Crime Syndicate Accountable

'The only way these officials will take action is if the pressure becomes so great they can no longer ignore us ... '

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) Glenn Beck, a conservative commentator and radio show host, laid out a plan by which Republicans will be able to hold President Joe Biden and his international racket accountable for their reported crimes.

Beck released a dossier, documenting 70 crimes committed by the larger Biden family, many of them closely related to the president, Blaze Media reported.

“There are 70 charges just on Hunter Biden alone that are provable! Seventy!” Beck noted.

According to the talk show host, the Hunter Biden drama–which is just one of the numerous family crimes–serves as a wonderful distraction from the crimes committed by his father, Joe.

“Democrats, and the media, want you to zoom in to this entire picture by focusing on Hunter’s potential tax and gun violations,” Beck said. “They want it very clear that Joe Biden wasn’t involved.”

Beck created the “Biden Crime Family Dossier” so that individuals could “flood the phone lines and email inboxes of every prosecutor or attorney general with the power to prosecute these crimes.”

He also noted that officials will ignore the massive number of crimes unless the American people pressure them into prosecution.

“The only way these officials will take action is if the pressure becomes so great they can no longer ignore us,” said Beck on the program.

“Contact them today, and if they don’t respond, send them another email. And then another,” he continued. “And keep going until you are heard.”

Beck was joined by conservative lawyer Mark Levin, who offered ideas to Congress for prosecuting the president and his family for their crimes.

“Number one, slash the budget of the FBI and the Department of Justice. I mean slash it big-time, break it up,” Levin said. “Take some power away from it, because I can tell you now, if the framers woke up today and looked at the FBI, they’d say, ‘What the hell have you done to yourself?'”

He also suggested that Biden and his comrades in crime ought to be questioned in public hearings before the Congress.

“Harass them,” Levin continued.

“Get their documents, do whatever they have to do, make everything public to we the American people, not to the New York Times, or fools like MSNBC, but for the rest of the American people.”

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