Thursday, June 27, 2024

Florida Gov. DeSantis Reopens State’s Economy, Bans Mask Mandate Penalties

'We’re not closing anything going forward...'

(Headline USA) Gov. Ron DeSantis lifted all restrictions on restaurants and other businesses in Florida on Friday, and banned local fines against people who refuse to wear masks as he seeks to reopen the state’s economy despite the coronavirus.

The Republican governor’s order unleashed fresh debate in the politically divided state, where pandemic responses have become intertwined with the upcoming presidential election.

DeSantis, a major ally of President Donald Trump, acknowledged that the pandemic is far from over, but he said the threat has eased and the time has come to reopen for business.

“We’re not closing anything going forward,” DeSantis said, while insisting that the state is prepared if infections increase again.

The governor said he would stop cities and counties from collecting fines on people who don’t wear face masks, virtually nullifying local mask ordinances.

“As an act of executive grace, all fines and penalties that have been applied against individuals are suspended,” the governor said.

Florida Democrats have bemoaned the governor’s push to reopen as hasty.

“No one is advocating for a full-scale lockdown in Florida. But we have been and continue to ask for common sense prevention measures such as face masks, which are essential to preventing further spread,” state Sen. Audrey Gibson said Thursday.

Some local officials appealed to the governor for continued authority to control the outbreak.

“We’re hoping that the governor will allow us to have deeper restrictions than the rest of the state. We have a greater spread of the virus in South Florida than other parts of the state,” Broward County Mayor Dale Holness told WLRN, a public radio station in Miami.

The governor reluctantly closed bars and nightclubs on St. Patrick’s Day due to the outbreak, and days later, restricted restaurants to take-out dining. Amusement parks ground to a halt.

The closures battered the economy, leaving hundreds of thousands of Floridians unemployed. Since March 15, More than 2.5 million Floridians have sought unemployment benefits.

DeSantis slowly reopened the state for business since then, allowing restaurants and bars to reopen at half capacity, while deferring to local officials who advocated reopening more slowly in the pandemic’s epicenters in southern Florida.

The governor had resisted imposing a statewide mask mandate, but had allowed cities and counties to do so and impose stricter measures than he was willing to do, including closing beaches and public venues to keep the virus from spreading.

The governor’s action does not preclude private businesses, such as grocery stores and sports venues, from requiring masks. In February, Florida will again host the Super Bowl.

With the economy and his political standing foundering, DeSantis has been under pressure to revive the economy — much of it depended on tourism. As the state has reopened, DeSantis and tourist-dependent businesses have been trying to woo back visitors.

Like Trump, DeSantis has questioned the efficacy of closures, arguing that states that had more aggressively shut down, including California, have fared no better.

“The state of Florida is probably the most open big state in the country,” he boasted Friday.

New infections in Florida have steadily declined since the state’s caseload peaked in July.

The governor’s announcement Friday allows restaurants across the state to immediately reopen at full capacity — and prevents cities and counties from ordering restaurants to close or operate at less than half-capacity, unless they can justify a closure for economic or health reasons.

“We’ve been able to put a lot of people back to work over the last few months, and obviously we have more to do,” the governor said.

The governor’s announcement wasn’t totally unexpected, although it had been unclear when he would move his state to the next phase of his reopening plan.

Adapted from reporting by Associated Press.

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