Thursday, October 17, 2024

Feds Charge Five in Chinese Spy Plot to Use Sex-Workers, Assaults to ‘Interfere w/ Federal Elections’

'But in the end, violence would be fine too. Beat him until he cannot run for election... '

(John RansomHeadline USA) The Department of Justice unsealed federal charges Thursday against five Chinese spies who have been accused, in part, of “interfering with federal elections,” even to the extent of planning to assault an unnamed-candidate for Congress, who is a US veteran.

One of the five, according to the complaint, Qiming Lin, can be heard on tape asking a private investigator to set up the candidate with some sort of staged sex scandal or, failing that, physically assaulting the candidate by attacking him or by orchestrating a car accident in which the candidate would be injured, said the DOJ.

“You can start thinking now, aside from violence, what other plans are there? Huh? But in the end, violence would be fine too. Huh? Beat him [chuckles], beat him until he cannot run for election,” said Lin, according to a statement by the DOJ.

“Heh, that’s the-the last resort,” Lin continued. “You-you think about it. Car accident, [he] will be completely wrecked [chuckles], right? Don’t know, eh, whatever ways from all different angles. Or, on the day of the election, he cannot make it there himself, right?”

Recently the DOJ canceled the Trump-era program called the China Initiative that cracked down on this type of spying in the United States by Beijing.

The BBC reported that in another plot, the Chinese spies plan to destroy the work of a Chinese artist who is living in LA, who is also opposed to the Beijing regime.

The BBC said that prosecutors have claimed a wide-ranging conspiracy by Chinese communists to “silence, harass, discredit and spy” on people in the United States who oppose the Chinese regime, especially those of Chinese descent.

“The United States will not tolerate blatantly illegal actions that target US residents, on US soil, and undermine our treasured American values and rights,” Breon Peace, US attorney for the Eastern District of New York said.

It’s not the first time that such spying has been alleged.

A criminal complaint in 2020 charged a New York City police officer and US Army reservist, Baimadajie Angwang, with being an agent of the Chinese communist, in order to spy on fellow Tibetans in New York City. He’s currently out on $2 million bail with no home confinement or GPS monitoring.



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