Tuesday, June 25, 2024

FBI Continues Interfering w/ Elections

'The forthcoming GOP congressional majority needs to disband — or at least defund — the FBI... '

(Chris Parker, Headline USA) Reports surfaced Monday evening that the FBI falsely labeled intelligence that had been verified as credible against Hunter Biden as disinformation.

The reason: to stop an investigation of him ahead of the 2020 elections, reported The Federalist.

The reports came from several whistleblowers who contacted Republican Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, about the FBI’s attempted coverup.

“The information provided to my office involves concerns about the FBI’s receipt and use of derogatory information relating to Hunter Biden, and the FBI’s false portrayal of acquired evidence as disinformation,” Grassley wrote to FBI Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland on July 25.

“The volume and consistency of these allegations substantiate their credibility and necessitate this letter.”

Both CBS News and Grassley’s office labeled the whistleblowers as “highly credible.” They allege that the FBI’s “disinformation” classification was premature.

According to the whistleblowers, FBI supervisory intelligence agent Brian Auten “opened an assessment” in 2020 of an ongoing FBI investigation of Hunter Biden. It was used by the FBI “to improperly discredit negative Hunter Biden information as disinformation and caused investigative activity to cease.”

These revelations prove the FBI deliberately interfered with a US presidential election in an effort to prevent Donald Trump from winning a second term, critics contend. The FBI’s classification stifled an investigation that was initially reported as a “tax investigation.”

Officials also allegedly “attempted to improperly mark the matter in FBI systems so that it could not be opened in the future.”

FBI agents were also found to have interfered with the 2016 elections at a time when “Russian collusion” was all the rage in Washington DC and among mainstream media outlets. Earlier this year, a handwritten note provided by the FBI offered evidence that “Russian collusion allegations were nothing more than a farce.”

Auten also played a significant role in Crossfire Hurricane, an FBI investigation into the alleged Russian collusion that rocked most of Trump’s presidency. Auten was also suspected of abusing the FBI’s foreign surveillance process.

So far, only a handful of media outlets have covered the latest revelations of the FBI’s interference with the past two presidential elections. However, some of those outlets are calling for the agency to disband.

According to The Federalist, “if the allegations turn out to be true and the FBI really did intervene in the 2020 election as Grassley’s letter suggests, the forthcoming GOP congressional majority needs to disband — or at least defund — the FBI.”

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