Saturday, June 15, 2024

REPORT: Fauci and Wife Had Net Worth of $11M During His Last Year in Biden Admin

'Together, they became decamillionaires even though they are thought of as public servants compensated with our tax dollars...'

(Headline USA) Former COVID czar Anthony Fauci and his wife had a net worth of more than $11 million during his last year in the Biden administration, according to government records.

Fauci and Christine Grady, who heads the bioethics department at the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center, saw their wealth skyrocket over the past decade.

During the pandemic years, specifically, Fauci’s income experienced a dramatic boost. The couple reported a cumulative income of $7.6 million in 2019, to $12.6 million in 2021, down to $11.5 million in late 2022.

The net worth increase was the result of cash awards, salary hikes, royalties and investment gains, according to Fox News.

“Dr. Fauci’s guidance had enormous consequences for public health and our economy, all while his wife is the top bio-ethicist at the NIH,” Adam Andrzejewski, the CEO of conservative watchdog Open the Books, said in a statement.

“Together, they became decamillionaires even though they are thought of as public servants compensated with our tax dollars,” Andrzejewski said.

Fauci was the highest paid employee in the federal government before he retired, receiving $481,000 in 2022.

In retirement, Fauci is likely still “collecting a federal pension which rivals a presidential salary,” Andrzejewski said. “It’s the largest federal retirement package in history.”

He also secured a new position as a “distinguished professor” at Georgetown University and may even be enjoying unauthorized government perks such as a limo driver and security detail.

Most of his additional income during the pandemic came from awards and speaking engagements, the records show.

In 2021, for example, the Israel-based Dan David Foundation gave him $901,400 for “defending science” and “speaking truth to power” during the Trump presidency.

A spokesperson for the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic said they plan to “thoroughly investigate potential profiteering from pandemic celebrity” Fauci.

“During the COVID-19 pandemic, Americans lost their livelihoods and had their businesses shuttered by the nation’s highest-paid career bureaucrat, Dr. Tony Fauci,” the spokesperson noted.

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