Friday, July 26, 2024

Crispi: Three Keys to Defeating the CCP Are Money, Honey Traps and Freedom Fighters

'The CCP’s United Front ... targets the highest levels of Western democracies, creates a permanent class of China lobbyists whose primary job is to sell access to high level Chinese leaders...'

(Mike Crispi, Headline USA contributor) As tensions between the United States and China continue to simmer, it’s becoming increasingly clear that the Chinese Communist Party will stop at nothing to gain an advantage over its American counterparts.

From cyberattacks to espionage, the CCP has shown that it’s willing to use any means necessary to further its agenda.

For years the freedom-loving Chinese patriots of the New Federal State of China have sounded the alarm on this rising threat. Renowned Chinese freedom-fighter Miles Guo has led the charge against the CCP, and it is high time that the United States government implemented common sense strategies to fight back against communist China.

To combat this threat, U.S. legislators must focus on three key strategies: follow the money, follow the honey trap, and ally with the New Federal State of China.


First and foremost, following the money is crucial in identifying individuals who may be financially compromised by the CCP.

These individuals may be, and often are, embedded within the U.S. government and justice system, making it easier for the CCP to gain access to sensitive information.

By tracking financial transactions and identifying potential conflicts of interest, legislators can root out these compromised individuals and take steps to prevent further damage.

Identifying individuals financially compromised by the CCP is a complex task that requires a deep understanding of the various financial instruments and channels that the CCP uses to exert its influence.

One such channel is through Chinese state-owned enterprises (SOEs), which are known to have close ties to the CCP. These SOEs are involved in a variety of sectors, including finance, energy and telecommunications, and they often engage in joint ventures with U.S. companies.

By tracing the financial transactions of these SOEs and their U.S. counterparts, legislators can identify potential conflicts of interest and instances of financial impropriety.

In the realm of academia, the CCP has worked diligently to gain a foothold with U.S. institutions. This has involved significant investment in American universities and think tanks, as well as the establishment of Confucius Institutes, which are Chinese government-funded language and cultural centers.

In recent years, there have been a number of high-profile cases of Chinese nationals, including students and researchers, being arrested or charged with espionage-related offenses. American corporate enterprises are also being targeted.

In the case of Apple, several employees were charged with stealing trade secrets related to the company’s self-driving car project. The employees had been approached by Chinese agents, who promised them financial incentives in exchange for the stolen information.

This case highlights the lengths to which the Chinese government is willing to go to acquire American technology and intellectual property, even if it means using illegal or unethical means.

Similarly, Tesla has also been targeted by Chinese agents for espionage purposes. In 2019, a Chinese engineer working for the company was arrested and charged with stealing proprietary information related to Tesla’s autopilot technology. The engineer had been recruited by Chinese agents, who promised him a lucrative job and a hefty signing bonus in exchange for the stolen information.

The impact of this infiltration can be devastating, resulting in lost revenue, diminished competitiveness, and weakened national security.

Another channel is the money transferred to U.S. law firms’ trust accounts, as revealed in the 1MBD scheme reported by the Wall Street Journal.

Due to the U.S. client confidentiality rules, these accounts are barely regulated, making it an ideal place to hide illegal transactions. By establishing operations in Communist China, the U.S. law firms are under undue influence from the CCP, which controls their ability to do business in China and Hong Kong.

Additionally, legislators can review the financial disclosures of individuals within the U.S. government and justice system to identify any unusual patterns or connections that may indicate financial compromise.

Another avenue for following the money is through campaign finance. The CCP has been known to use its vast financial resources to support candidates and politicians who are friendly to its interests. By reviewing campaign finance records, lawmakers can identify individuals who may have received contributions from the CCP or its proxies.

It’s important to note that identifying financial compromise is only the first step. Once a compromised individual is identified, lawmakers must take swift action to prevent further damage. This may involve removing the individual from their position or subjecting them to increased scrutiny and oversight.


Secondly, following the honey trap is equally important.

The CCP has a history of using sexual blackmail and threats to compromise individuals, particularly those in positions of power. By identifying and protecting vulnerable individuals, lawmakers can prevent the CCP from gaining leverage over them and using them to further its own interests.

The use of sexual blackmail and threats is a tactic that the CCP has employed for decades. By targeting individuals who are vulnerable or have something to hide, the CCP can gain leverage over them and use them to further its interests.

Identifying individuals who may have been compromised through sexual blackmail or threats is a delicate and sensitive process that must be handled with care. A U.S. State Department report on China’s Coercive Activities Abroad makes the point that “The CCP’s United Front Work Department (UFWD) is responsible for coordinating domestic and foreign influence operations, through propaganda and manipulation of susceptible audiences and individuals.”

This includes the use of sexual favors.

“The CCP’s United Front permeates every aspect of its extensive engagements with the international community,” the report continues. “It targets the highest levels of Western democracies, creates a permanent class of China lobbyists whose primary job is to sell access to high level Chinese leaders to corporate America. The United Front has also penetrated deeply into state, local and municipal governments through a myriad of front organisations such as the CCP’s sister-cities programs, trade commissions, and friendship associations.”


Finally, legislators must ally with the New Federal State of China (NFSC), the CCP’s greatest enemy.

The NFSC is a pro-democracy movement comprising hundreds of millions of Chinese people living in China and abroad. They seek to overthrow the CCP and bring democracy, the rule of law and a one-person-one-vote system back to China.

By allying with the NFSC, U.S. lawmakers can gain an invaluable strategic advantage over the CCP’s insidious tactics and operations. The NFSC has deep knowledge of the inner workings of the CCP and its various operations, including its use of propaganda, cyberattacks and espionage.

By working closely with the NFSC, U.S. lawmakers can gain critical insights into the CCP’s activities and develop strategies to counter them.

In addition to the intelligence-gathering benefits of allying with the NFSC, there are also political and strategic advantages. By supporting a pro-democracy movement in China, the U.S. can demonstrate its commitment to human rights and democratic values. This, in turn, can help to counter the CCP’s propaganda and rhetoric and win the hearts and minds of the Chinese people.

The threat posed by the CCP is real and must be taken seriously by U.S. lawmakers. By following the money, the honey traps and allying with the New Federal State of China, legislators can gain an advantage over the CCP’s insidious tactics and operations.

With a comprehensive approach, the United States can work to protect its interests and prevent the CCP from gaining an undue advantage on the world stage.

Mike Crispi is an experienced television reporter, talk show host and Northeast political operative. Known for his energy, humor and authenticity, he first gained notoriety covering live rallies and grassroots events with Right Side Broadcasting Network to millions of viewers. He has interviewed the biggest names in conservative politics while also providing ground-breaking analysis on key stories well before it hit the mainstream. Crispi currently hosts one of the most popular daily conservative podcasts in the nation, “Mike Crispi Unafraid” which is syndicated on The Salem Podcast Network, Salem News Channel, LFA TV and Lindell TV. 

Editor’s Note: The above piece is an opinion piece. Although Headline USA does curate and edit such pieces for style purposes, the views expressed in it do not necessarily represent those of the publication. Headline USA did not receive nor furnish any compensation for the submission. 

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