Friday, July 26, 2024

CDC STUDY: 2% of Kids Have Autism, No Idea Why

'When you look at the trends, no matter how you break it down, autism is rising in all of these groups and it has been since they started taking the data 20 years ago...'

(Ezekiel Loseke, Headline USA) More than 2% of 8-year-old children have an Autism Spectrum Disorder, according to a new study published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which refuses to ask why, thus endangering these kids.

The new study found that results were worse for boys than for girls. Four percent of boys had an Autism Spectrum Disorder while only one percent of girls were diagnosed.

These numbers represent an increase in diagnosis from the last CDC report, which found 1 in 44 8-year-olds had autism in 2018, compared to the current 1 in 36 numbers.

The CDC began tracking data in 2000, and at that time only 1 in 150 children were diagnosed with Autism, according to the Epoch Times.

Mark Blaxill, is a journalist who regularly writes on autism, the chairman and co-founder of the Canary Party, editor-at-large of Age of Autism, and the former director of SafeMinds, who also speaks at conferences about autism, according to HealthChoice.

“Today’s new report from the CDC’s ADDM [Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring] Network places the latest ASD rate at 1 in 36 children born in 2012, but that’s not even the largest number out there (a recent survey using NHIS [National Health Interview Survey] data reported a rate of 1 in 29 children in 2020),” he said.

Though unlisted by Blaxil, his numbers are corroborated by a report produced by Fox 5 New York.

The cited CDC studies, for the first time, found that autism was more prevalent among Black, Hispanic, and Asian children than among White kids. These groups saw an increase in Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis’s of 30% from 2018 to 2020.

Some experts suggest that the increase in numbers of minorities, and the increase in numbers of Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis’ in general, may be the result of better and more available screening.

This is a long standing narrative of the CDC propped up by the media, according to the Defender.

Sallie Bernard, co-founder and board president of SafeMinds, commented on this reasoning.

“That does not explain why their rate is higher than white children,” she said. “As a group, no racial or ethnic minority here gets better assessment and diagnosis than white children, so to explain the disparity in the rate now as due to better assessment for minorities is just ludicrous.”

Bernard commented on what could inform Americans of the cause of the increasing numbers of Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis.

“For that, we need environmental justice,” she said. “You have to ask what are they exposed to?”

The studies are not asking that question. Some experts argue that increasing detection of individuals who require lower services, what used to be called Asperger’s Syndrome, is driving up the numbers of people being diagnosed. Bernard also rejected this.

“When you look at the trends, no matter how you break it down, autism is rising in all of these groups and it has been since they started taking the data 20 years ago,” she said. “It’s hard to believe that when the experts went out and did their epidemiology studies and found lower rates in the past that they would have missed out on 3 of 4 kids on the spectrum.”

Toby Rogers holds a Ph.D. in political economy and wrote his doctoral thesis on “The Political Economy of Autism,” according to the Defender.

He commented on the CDC’s narrative of increased diagnosis practices driving up the numbers.

“The unwillingness of the CDC to even ask why these numbers are increasing is a massive ‘poker tell’ that they know, but are prohibited from talking about it,” he said. “Two high-quality, multi-million dollar studies in California (Byrd et al., 2002; Hertz-Picciotto and Delwiche, 2009) both concluded that better awareness, changes in diagnostic criteria, and earlier age of diagnosis only explain a small fraction of the rise in autism.”

“The authors of these studies urged public health officials to place greater emphasis on researching the toxicants that might be driving the increase in autism prevalence. [For a longer discussion of these studies please see Rogers, 2019.] The fact that the CDC is still refusing to properly investigate autism causation is outrageous.”

Bernard commented on the data available for potential causes of the spike of autism.

“There are many studies suggesting that something in our environment is driving the increase in autism, and that’s where we need to focus our attention,” she said.

Much research has been done on environmental factors that could multiply the genetic risks of an autism diagnosis, according to the Epoch Times.

The Epoch times reports that some possible connections include:

These causes were not investigated, despite the growing body of evidence suggesting a connection to the surge in Autism Spectrum Disorders.

“No one asks the obvious questions: Why are so many children sick?” Blaxill said. “What is this all going to “And of course there are the related questions: What are these people thinking and how do they go to sleep at night? I wish I knew.”

Increasing the probability of environmental causes, the CDC’s Early Identification ADDM Report found that diagnosis rates vary widely depending on location. Diagnosis levels were the lowest in Maryland and the highest in California.

Rogers commented on our ability to contain the epidemic.

“We absolutely know how to stop the autism epidemic—keep toxic substances out of kids’ bodies,” he said. “Toxic substances known to increase the risk of developing autism include mercury, ingredients in plastics and fire retardants, pesticides and herbicides, EMF/RFR, and pharmaceuticals (Tylenol, SSRIs, and vaccines).”

Tragically, the victims of this negligence, those afflicted with Autism Spectrum Disorders, are being victimized by a radicalized, leftist agenda.

People with autism are much more likely to experience gender dysphoria, and the American Left is seeking to shelter its transgender ideology behind folks diagnosed with autism.

In so doing, the American Left endangers people with autism. The National Library of Medicine explained that transgenders experience a monumental risk of committing suicide.

“Data indicate that 82% of transgender individuals have considered killing themselves and 40% have attempted suicide,” it reported.

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