Thursday, October 17, 2024

CDC Chief Rochelle Walensky Resigns in Wake of Agency’s Superspreader Conference

'To be frank, we are responsible for some pretty dramatic, pretty public mistakes ... '

(Mark Pellin, Headline USA) Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is leaving the embattled agency, the White House announced in a Friday news dump.

Walensky’s departure comes on the heels of the CDC launching an internal investigation after it hosted a superspreader conference in Georgia earlier this month that led to at least 35 coronavirus infections.

Walensky’s resignation letter to President Joe Biden reportedly offered no specifics for her decision and expressed “mixed feelings” about stepping down. 

“I have never been prouder of anything I have done in my professional career,” she wrote. Walensky’s last day as CDC director will be June 30. Critics said it can’t come soon enough and was long overdue.

Those critics inlcude Walensky, who last August conceded that “It’s not lost on me that we fell short in many ways,” when addressing CDC pandemic failures.

“To be frank, we are responsible for some pretty dramatic, pretty public mistakes — from testing, to data, to communications,” she said at the time. “I feel like it’s my my responsibility to lead this agency to a better place after a really challenging three years.”

Walensky’s change of heart and decision to leave the CDC came as an increasing number of Biden regime officials are scrambling to absolve themselves of myriad COVID policy disasters and distance their actions from the dire repercussions they caused.

During Walensky’s tenure, the Biden regime enforced vaccine mandates that an increasing body of science is showing might have caused widespread harm, while also policing wildly unpopular and ineffective mask mandates, crowd capacity limits and remote-learning for public education. The draconian policies created massive economic disruptions, job losses, business closings and steep learning losses for students at all grade levels and all demographics.

Former COVID Czar Anthony Fauci spent last week furiously trying to rewrite history and erase his own fingerprints from years of medical monarchy.

“Show me a school that I shut down and show me a factory that I shut down,” Fauci gaslit in an interview with regime collaborator New York Times. “Never. I never did.”

Fauci claimed he simply “gave a public-health recommendation that echoed the CDC’s recommendation, and people made a decision based on that.”

Walensky’s departure from the agency that Fauci was tossing under the bus to save his own skin comes as the federal government is slated to end its COVID-19 public health emergency. The World Health Organization proclaimed this week that the pandemic “global health emergency” is now over.

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