Friday, October 18, 2024


9th Circuit Blocks Trump Bid to Defund Sanctuary Cities

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Monday that the Trump administration cannot withhold federal grants from California’s sanctuary cities.

‘Defund Police’ Movement’s New Goal: Win Local Elections

Amid the radical Left's recent race riots, ostensibly to address the issue of police brutality, a a political action committee is forming to back extremist local candidates who want to redirect money from police departments into other social services.

LA Teacher’s Union Won’t Reopen Till ‘Social Justice’ Demands Met

The largest teacher’s union in Los Angeles said they will not allow schools to reopen until the county meets a series of radical social justice-related demands.

WaPo Editor Demands Texas Rangers Change Team Name

Shortly after the NFL’s Washington Redskins and the MLB’s Cleveland Indians announced they’d be changing their team names, the Washington Post’s Global Opinions Editor demanded that the NFL’s Texas Rangers follow suit.

Schools Sue to Stop Ice from Deporting Foreign Students

Johns Hopkins University has filed a lawsuit seeking to block the Trump administration's decision to make international students leave the U.S. if they intend to take classes entirely online starting this fall.

RNC, Trump Campaign Hire 1,500 New Field Staffers

The Republican National Committee and President Donald Trump’s campaign say they have now hired 1,500 new field staffers, taking advantage of their considerable fundraising edge over Democrats including presumptive Democrat nominee Joe Biden.

Cuomo Takes Heat Over Phony NY Nursing Home Study

(Associated Press) New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is facing blistering criticism over an internal report that found no strong link between a controversial state directive that sent thousands of recovering coronavirus patients into nursing homes and some of the nation’s deadliest nursing home outbreaks. Scientists, health care professionals and elected...

Tucker Carlson Denounces Ex-Writer, ‘Self-Righteous’ Critics

(Headline USA) Fox News' Tucker Carlson said Monday that his former writer who posted racist comments online was wrong but criticized “ghouls now beating their chests in triumph” after his staffer's resignation. “When we pose as blameless in order to hurt other people, we are committing the gravest sin of...

UPDATED: US Carries Out 1st Federal Execution in Nearly 2 Decades

UPDATE VIA AP: The U.S. government on Tuesday carried out the first federal execution in almost two decades, putting to death a man who was convicted of killing an Arkansas family in a 1990s plot to build a whites-only nation in the Pacific Northwest. The execution came over the...

WHO Boss Who Duped US on COVID Blames ‘Mixed Messages’

The WHO chief on Monday slammed some government leaders for eroding public trust by sending mixed messages on the coronavirus and warned that their failures to stop their countries’ spiraling outbreaks mean there would be no return to normal “for the foreseeable future.”

Attorney in Indiana ‘Lynching’ Episode Denounces Smear Campaign

An attorney for two people accused of being involved in a reported assault on a black man at a southern Indiana lake said Monday his clients are victims of a “smear campaign” and a “rush to judgment."

Protests Erupt over Pa. Police’s Use of Neck Restraint

Activists against police brutality expressed outrage and pressed their demand for accountability Monday after video emerged over the weekend of an officer placing his knee on a man’s head and neck area outside a Pennsylvania hospital.
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