Saturday, September 28, 2024


REPORT: Nashville Officials Hid True COVID Numbers from Public to Keep City Shut Down

Uncovered emails between Democrat Nashville Mayor John Cooper and the city’s health department reveal that officials tried to hide the fact that the number of coronavirus cases popping up in bars and restaurants was extremely low. A contact-tracing study the city had conducted on June 30 found that construction and...

‘Catholic’ Pelosi to Church: ‘Follow Science’ on COVID-19 Restrictions

(Headline USA) House Speaker Nancy Pelosi pushed back Friday against the Catholic archbishop of San Francisco's criticism of COVID-related restrictions, saying he should “follow science” rather than advocate for fuller in-person gatherings for Mass and worship. Asked about Archbishop Salvatore Joseph Cordileone's recent op-ed protesting limits on larger public gatherings, Pelosi...

CURRENT EVENTS: Electric Fence Deters Trump Sign Thieves

(Headline USA) A Massachusetts man tired of people stealing his Donald Trump campaign sign has come up with a shocking solution: an electrified fence around it. John Oliveira, 54, a disabled Navy veteran and a member of the New Bedford School Committee, put the fence up a few weeks ago. Oliveira told...

Princeton’s Confession of ‘Systemic Racism’ Lands It a Federal Civil-Rights Investigation

Academia's Ivy League indoctrination centers, such as Princeton, have been clamoring in recent years for the government to impose sanctions as restitution for their racial sins. Some adherents of "critical race theory" have even toyed with the idea of voluntary reparations for themselves, held back only by the hesitancy of...

Mich. Judge Says Cheat-by-Mail Ballots Received TWO WEEKS After Nov. 3 Must Be Counted

(Headline USA) A judge on Friday cleared the way for more absentee ballots to be counted in Michigan, saying envelopes postmarked by the eve of the Nov. 3 election are eligible, even if they show up days later. The decision is significant in a state that is anticipating waves of absentee...

US Bans WeChat, TikTok from App Stores, Citing Security Risk

(Associated Press) The U.S. Commerce Department said Friday it will ban Chinese-owned TikTok and WeChat from U.S. app stores on Sunday and will saddle the apps with technical restrictions that could seriously limit their functionality in the U.S. The order, which cited national security and data privacy concerns, follows weeks of...

Biden Enjoys Softball Questions on CNN Town Hall After Trump’s Grilling Earlier in Week

(Headline USA) After President Donald Trump responded to tough questioning earlier in the week at a town hall hosted by ABC and its Democrat host George Stephanopoulos, CNN created a friendly environment Thursday night for 2020 challenger Joe Biden to field softball questions to tee up attacks on the...

At Wisc. Rally, Trump Promises to Restore Accurate Teaching of History in Schools

(Headline USA) President Donald Trump stepped up his rhetoric on cultural issues, aiming to boost enthusiasm among rural Wisconsin voters as he tries to repeat his path to victory four years ago. Making his fifth visit to the pivotal battleground state this year, he held a rally Thursday evening in Mosinee,...

WaPo, Eager to Publish Fake News on Conservative Prankster, Gets Fooled

Three days ago, the Washington Post embarrassingly reported on a faux FBI raid taking place at the house of Jack Burkman, a notorious hoaxer and conservative lobbyist. "FBI agents raided the home of lobbyist, conspiracy theorist and right-wing operative Jack Burkman early Monday," their article began. Here are some screenshots of the...

Trump Admin: ‘Resounding Vindication’ from Independent Report on COVID in Nursing Homes

(Headline USA) The Trump administration is claiming “resounding vindication” from an independent commission's report on the coronavirus crisis in nursing homes, supporting the argument that Democrat governors in several states failed to protect their most vulnerable residents. People in long-term care facilities represent less than 1% of the U.S. population...

Comey to Testify Before Senate Judiciary Committee in Late September

(Headline USA) Former FBI Director James Comey will testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Sept. 30, appearing just a month before the presidential election as Republicans have sought to bring closure to the travesty of 2016's Russia hoax. Comey, whom Trump fired in May 2017, will be a featured...

FBI Director Wray Disputes Evidence of Antifa’s Organization, Claims It is an ‘Ideology’

Countering prior witness testimony from Senate Judiciary Hearings, FBI Director Chris Wray told lawmakers Thursday that Antifa is an ideology, not an organization. Wray's claim put him at odds with President Donald Trump and many of the administration's other law-enforcement officials. Trump, with support from Wray's boss, Attorney General William Barr,...
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