Sunday, June 16, 2024


Leftists Attack Star QB Mahomes over Old Tweets about George Zimmerman

'No one knows what actually happens which is why he is not guilty...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes came under fire for old tweets that resurfaced, some of which appear to have been in support of George Zimmerman. Zimmerman garnered national headlines in 2012 when he...

Dishonest House Manager Omits Key Details About Biden Scandal

'It's our hope when the trial concludes---you've heard us and you've heard the president's counsel over a series of long days---that you don't choose imprisonment...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) After Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., the lead impeachment manager in the ongoing Senate trial against President Donald Trump, spoke at length...

Judicial Conduct Committee May Bar Judges from Joining Conservative Groups

Would only allow membership in leftist American Bar Association... (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) A group governing judicial ethics is seeking to strengthen the leftist stranglehold on the legal community by barring judges' affiliation with a prominent right-leaning group while turning a blind-eye to the radical liberal activism of the American...

TRUMP: Greta Thunberg Should Focus on OTHER Countries’ Pollution

'We have a beautiful ocean called the Pacific Ocean where thousands and thousands of tons of garbage flows toward us, and that’s put there by other countries...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) President Donald Trump said Tuesday that if 17-year-old Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg wants to see results, she should...

Joe Biden 'Lost His Mind' after Saying Illegal Aliens with DUIs Should Stay in US

'I don’t count drunk driving as a felony...' (Joshua Paladino, Liberty Headlines) Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said Monday that he would not deport illegal aliens who are convicted of drunken driving, prompting a former top immigration official to say that the former vice president has "lost his mind." Instead of deporting drunk-driving...

Schiff Mischaracterized, Lied About Impeachment ‘Evidence’ AGAIN

'Just another example of Schiff misleading the American people...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff may have mischaracterized new “evidence” provided by Lev Parnas, an indicted former business associate of Rudy Giuliani’s, in order to include Parnas’s testimony in the Senate’s impeachment trial of President Trump,...

WH Counsel Cipollone: Dems’ Ulterior Goal to Keep President off Ballot

'Frankly it’s the kind of thing that our State Department would criticize if we see it in foreign countries...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) White House Counsel Pat Cipollone offered a fiery rebuttal on Tuesday to statements made by House impeachment manager Adam Schiff, D-Calif., in which he charged that House...

Schiff Whines that Impeachment Must Be ‘Like Every Other Trial,’ Despite Lacking Crime

'Leader McConnell's resolution will turn the trial on its head...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Impeachment manager Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., whined about the unfairness of rules proposed by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., that would withhold a decision on witnesses until after the two sides had concluded their cases. "Unless...

Trump to Sign New Rules to Limit 'Birth Tourism,' 'Anchor Babies'

'Just the legal recognition that this is improper and wrong and not allowed is a significant step forward...' (Joshua Paladino, Liberty Headlines) As part of President Donald Trump's broad to effort to create a fair and meritorious immigration system, his administration plans to issue new rules that would end "birth...

After Criticism, Romney Will ‘Oppose’ Efforts to Force Vote on Witnesses

'I enter this task with an open mind...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) After initially suggesting he would vote in favor of additional witness testimony during the Senate’s impeachment trial, Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, said he would wait to make a decision until mid-trial. Romney said earlier this month that he’d “like...

Greta Warns ‘House is on Fire’ as Trump Waves Off Climate ‘Prophets of Doom’

THUNBERG: 'Your inaction is fueling the flames by the hour...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) President Donald Trump boasted about economic revival in the United States and warned about those who spread climate alarmism at this week’s World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, just hours after 17-year-old Swedish climate activist Greta...

NY County Clerk Appeals Challenge to Illegal-Alien Driver's License Law

'The state provided no provisions to prevent non-citizens from registering to vote other than what they refer to as an "honor system ..."' (Joshua Paladino, Liberty Headlines) Erie County Clerk Michael P. Kearns appealed his challenge to New York state's Green Light Law, a regulation forcing county clerks to grant...
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