Monday, September 23, 2024


Higher Education Takes Aim at ‘Colonialist’ Music

(David Lewis Schaefer, James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal) “Woke” academics have taken to attacking almost everything that’s traditional in our culture. Math and science are denounced for their “whiteness,” and Shakespeare has to be replaced by writers from “marginalized groups.” Now, it’s music that is on the chopping block. As...

REPORT: Cuomo Became the Highest-Paid Gov. in US History Amid NY Lockdown

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo collected more money than any governor in American history last year as he forced his state's citizens and businesses to suffer from lockdowns and stay-at-home orders, Forbes reported. Cuomo earned $225,000 in 2020, slightly more than California Gov. Gavin Newsom, who earned $202,000 last year. Since...

Calif. Foster Parents Asked to Take Unaccompanied Migrant Children

(Bethany Blankley, The Center Square) The California Community Care Licensing Division (CCLD) is sending out automated emails and phone calls to foster parents asking if they will take between one and 26 or more unaccompanied migrant children have entered the U.S. illegally. The majority are between the ages of 12 and...

San Francisco Overdose Deaths Far Outpaced COVID Deaths in 2020

(Bethany Blankley, The Center Square) Nearly three times as many people died from accidental drug overdoses in San Francisco in 2020 than from the coronavirus, preliminary data released by the city’s Office of the Chief Medical Examiner reveals. A total of 713 San Franciscans died from drug overdoses in 2020 compared...

Michigan GOP Moves to Stop Mass-Mailing of Absentee-Ballot Applications

Michigan Republicans moved to prevent the secretary of state’s office from mailing out absentee-ballot applications to every state resident. The proposal is included within the GOPs budget bill, which passed a subcommittee on Tuesday and now heads to the appropriations committee for approval. However, even though Republicans control both the...

Levi’s CEO: Ga. Legislation and 350 Other Voting Laws Are ‘Racist & Undemocratic’

Levi Strauss CEO Chip Bergh denounced Georgia's voting-integrity law as "racist and undemocratic," and he endorsed radical leftist legislation that would obliterate all election protections, the National Center for Public Policy Research reported. At the San Francisco-based company's annual shareholder meeting, Bergh also condemned as racist and undemocratic "350 bills...

Did the Postal Service Steal a List of Border-Wall Donors to Spy on Conservatives?

An explosive report in the Gateway Pundit said that a recently divulged spying operation involving the US Postal Service's monitoring of conservative social media may rely on a list of donors stolen from the We Build the Wall project. The story broke Wednesday that an "elite police force" within the...

House Passes DC Statehood Bill; Senate Fight Looms

(Headline USA) A decades-long movement to reshape the American political map took a further step Thursday as the House of Representatives approved a bill to make the nation's capital the 51st state. Voting along party lines with minority Republicans in opposition, the House approved the bill 216-208. That's likely the easy...

Hunter Biden Had Scheme for SeaWorld Parks in China, Funded by Communist Gov’t

Part of Hunter Biden’s business plans in China included proposals to build SeaWorld theme parks in the country, and to get the Communist government to invest in a new NBA arena in America, according to memos obtained by Just The News. In July of 2015, Hunter Biden emailed his business partners...

WHISTLEBLOWER: Amazon Forces Employees to Confess ‘Unconscious Racial Bias’

Amazon regularly forces its employees to confess their “unconscious racial bias” in meetings with other employees, according to a company whistleblower. About once a month, Amazon holds “town halls” where vice presidents of the company are “forced to talk about how they grew up with unconscious biases” and “white privilege,”...

Oklahoma Gov. Signs Law to Protect Drivers Who Hit Rioters Blocking Roadways

Oklahoma's Republican Gov. Kevin Stitt signed a bill on Wednesday to grant protection to drivers who accidentally hit rioters obstructing the roadway. HB 1674 applies to any driver "who unintentionally causes injury or death while fleeing a riot" so the driver is "not to be held criminally or civilly liable." Such...

BLM Hustler Patrisse Cullors Under New Fire for Delinquent ‘Charity’ Disclosures

A 'charity' prison-reform group started by Patrisse Cullors---the race-hustling, Marxist co-founder of Black Lives Matter---has received several warnings from California officials after failing to file the required financial disclosures. The California Attorney General’s Office first notified the group, Dignity and Power Now, that it was delinquent on its financial filings...
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