Sunday, September 22, 2024


ADVISER: Biden Still Wears Mask Outdoors Out of Habit

(Headline USA) One of President Joe Biden's top White House advisers suggested Sunday that he's still wearing a mask outdoors out of habit although the latest public health guidance says he doesn't need it. Questioned about Biden's practice, senior adviser Anita Dunn told CNN's “State of the Union” that she realized...

California to Put 63,000 Violent Felons on the Streets

(Headline USA) California is giving 76,000 inmates, including violent and repeat felons, the opportunity to leave prison earlier as the state aims to further trim the population of what once was the nation’s largest state correctional system. More than 63,000 inmates convicted of violent crimes will be eligible for good behavior...

Cindy McCain Calls Arizona Election Audit ‘Ludicrous’

Cindy McCain, wife of the late Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., panned the GOP-backed election audit that is proceeding in Arizona’s Maricopa County. “Listen, this whole thing is ludicrous, quite frankly. It's ludicrous. And this also comes from a state party in Arizona that refused to be audited themselves on votes...

Former BLM Leader Charged w/ Lying to Police After Murder in His Apartment

A former Black Lives Matter movement leader in Iowa City was arrested last week after allegedly lying to law enforcement officials about a killing that took place in his apartment. Mazin M. Mohamedali, 20, was arrested Saturday and faces one count of accessory after the fact, according to a local...

Caitlyn Jenner Opposes Biological Boys Competing in Girls’ Sports

(Headline USA) Caitlyn Jenner, the former Olympic champion and reality TV personality now running for California governor, said he opposes biological males competing in girls' sports at school. Jenner, a 1976 decathlon Olympic gold medalist who said he is a transgender woman in 2015, told a TMZ reporter on Saturday...

132 Americans Dead After Full COVID Vaccination; 9,245 Test Positive

Thousands of fully vaccinated Americans have contracted COVID-19, hundreds have been hospitalized, and 132 have died from the illness, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention records. The health agency received reports of 9,245 positive coronavirus tests at least two weeks after complete vaccination, and 9 percent of those...

AT&T CEO Defends Subsidiary CNN’s Bias by Pointing to Its Emmy Wins

AT&T CEO John Stankey defended his company's ownership of CNN by falsely claiming that the propaganda network meets "rigorous journalistic standards for accurate and truthful reporting," according to the National Center for Public Policy Research.. Stankey said AT&T is "proud" that CNN has "the most respected brand in news today." "And over...

Texas City Becomes ‘Sanctuary City for the Unborn’

(Associated Press) Lubbock voters have approved a measure aimed at outlawing abortion in the West Texas city, a move likely to prompt legal action from opponents who call it an unconstitutional ban on the procedure. Residents voted Saturday to declare Lubbock a "sanctuary city for the unborn," bypassing the City...

YA THINK?! Border Patrol Admits It’s Seen Huge Increase in ‘Inadmissible’ Individuals

(Headline USA) U.S. Customs and Border Protection has raised the alarm yet again, pointing to a surge in illegal immigration at the southern border with no end in sight. The full data from the month of April is not yet available, but the CBP’s latest notice indicates this year’s illegal...

The New Bernie Sanders? Progressives Celebrate Biden’s Leftism

(Headline USA) Only 100 days into office and several trillion dollars of proposed spending later, President Joe Biden has won the favor of socialist Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and the progressive wing of the Democrat party. The reason for that optimism comes mostly from a series of proposed spending bills rolled...

Police Say Minneapolis is Now ‘Murderopolis’ And They’re Ready to Quit

(Headline USA) One year after the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, the city has experienced a spike in murders and local police are "fed up." In 2020, Minneapolis saw the second highest number of murders in the city's history with 83 killings. In the same year, over 550 people...

Romney Booed at Utah GOP Convention, But Escapes Censure

(Associated Press) Utah Republicans booed Sen. Mitt Romney but ultimately rejected a motion to censure him Saturday for his votes at President Donald Trump's impeachment trials. The measure narrowly failed, 798 to 711, in a vote by delegates to the state GOP convention, The Salt Lake Tribune reported. Romney drew heavy...
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