Friday, September 27, 2024


Quid Pro Joe Agrees to Greater Access for Chinese Spies Under Guise of ‘Journalism’

(Headline USA) In what will, no doubt, prove to be the first of many lopsided concessions and capitulations to the Chinese government stemming from Tuesday’s virtual summit between Chinese leader Xi Jinping and U.S. President Joe Biden, the two countries have agreed to ease restrictions on each other's journalists. For...

As US Burns, Pelosi Pushes Vote to Censure Gosar Parody Tweet

(Headline USA) With inflation bringing pain to working-class Americans everywhere, the border crisis in full swing, China and Russia vastly surpassing America in economic and technological advances, and new race riots on the verge of breaking out, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., had her sights fittingly set on an...

FBI Whistleblower: Garland Lied about Weaponizing DOJ to Target Parents

The Twitter feed for the Republican members of the House Committee on the Judiciary published whistleblower documents which show that Attorney General Merrick Garland has directed United States Attorneys and the FBI to coordinate with local law enforcement to track "threats specifically directed against school administrators, board members, teachers,...

Book Claims Mnuchin, Pompeo Wanted Trump Removed From Office

Two of former President Donald Trump’s top allies, then-Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, spoke with other Cabinet members about using the 25th Amendment against Trump after the Jan. 6 Capitol protest, according to ABC News correspondent Jonathan Karl’s new book. Karl alleges in Betrayal that...

Scott Perry Elected As House Freedom Caucus Chairman

The conservative House Freedom Caucus announced that it has elected Rep. Scott Perry, R-Pa., as its new chairman. ???BREAKING: House Freedom Caucus elects @RepScottPerry as HFC Chairman: pic.twitter.com/8v4rS7FHva — House Freedom Caucus (@freedomcaucus) November 16, 2021 Perry, an ally of former President Donald Trump, has been a part of the coalition of...

DHS Inspector General Declined to Investigate Border Patrol Agents Targeted By Biden Admin

The inspector general for the Department of Homeland Security declined to investigate the Border Patrol agents on horseback who were falsely accused of “whipping” migrants. The DHS said in a statement this week that its parent agency, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, would be handling the investigation into the agents’...

Report: Facebook Employees Push Censorship of Conservative Views

Rank and file employees' politics are driving decision-making about censorship at Facebook, unfairly penalizing conservative views, according to a review of Facebook employee messages, said a new report by the Wall Street Journal. “They do show that employees and their bosses have hotly debated whether and how to restrain right-wing publishers,...

Florida Teacher Denied Ivermectin Dies From COVID-19

A Florida teacher who was hospitalized with COVID-19 died from the virus following the hospital’s refusal to treat her with Ivermectin. Tamara Drock, 47, had been hospitalized in Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center for 12 weeks with COVID-19 and requested to be treated with the anti-parasitic drug Ivermectin, which has...

Biden Disoriented at Tribal Lands Signing Ceremony: ‘Where Is Everybody?’

During an executive order signing ceremony this week, President Joe Biden showcased his fast-disappearing memory, confusing himself and rambling embarrassingly about irrelevant topics, Becker News reported. The ceremony was held at a summit with Indian leaders in order to sign an order related to tribal lands in the United States. The...

Radical Seattle City Council Still Trying to Defund Police

Seattle leaders are sparring over leftist efforts to defund the city’s police department once again. Last week, Seattle City Council members proposed a budget that would cut nearly $10 million from the police department.  “Over the last seven weeks," said Budget Committee Chair Teresa Mosqueda, "we have diligently been working to...

Va. Dems Backpedal on Election Defeat; Now Hoping for Tie in Legislature

(Headline USA) Virginia Republicans are on track to win a majority in the House of Delegates, according to results certified by the state on Monday. The certified results from the Nov. 2 election show Republicans leading in 52 districts and the Democrats leading in 48. But two races where Republicans are...

McCloskeys Show Support For Kyle Rittenhouse During Trial

Mark and Patricia McCloskey, the St. Louis attorneys who were prosecuted after confronting protesters gathered outside their home, made an appearance at 18-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse’s trial on Monday. Mark and Patricia McCloskey are here outside the Kenosha County Courthouse (they’re known for the firearm-bearing photo from the St. Louis protests...
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