Sunday, September 29, 2024


China Says US Violates ‘Political Neutrality of Sports’ with Diplomatic Boycott

(Associated Press) China accused the United States of violating the Olympic spirit on Tuesday after the Biden administration announced a diplomatic boycott of the Beijing Winter Games over human rights concerns. Some groups have pushed for a full-blown boycott of the Games, accusing China of rights abuses against ethnic minorities. The...

European Union Approves Mixing Different COVID-19 Vaccines

(Headline USA) The European Union drug regulator gave its backing Tuesday to mixing different types of vaccines in initial vaccination and booster campaigns. The European Medicines Agency said in a statement that using different types of vaccines together, known as heterologous vaccination, can provide protection against COVID-19. The announcement comes as...

Biden Promises ‘Very Real’ Economic Sanctions if Russia Invades Ukraine

(Headline USA) President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin squared off Tuesday over the massive buildup of Russian troops near the Ukrainian border. During the online conversation, Biden warned Putin that Russia will face economy-jarring sanctions if it invades neighboring Ukraine. Just hours before the call got underway, Ukrainian officials...

More Than 100 LA Firefighters Suspended Without Pay Over Vax Mandate

More than 100 Los Angeles firefighters have been suspended without pay because of the city’s vaccine mandate, and authorities said one fireman’s reaction hit below the belt. Los Angeles’s policy forces all city employees to get vaccinated by Dec. 18 or submit negative COVID-19 tests twice a week at their own...

Transgendered Athlete Smashing Swimming Records, Women Call Foul

Transgendered swimmer Lia Thomas is smashing records and trouncing the competition this season, raising uneasy protests by those who object to a female swimmer who competed as a male for the previous two years now competing as a woman. “Before her transition,” reported the New York Post, “Thomas competed for...

Alleged Cultural Inclusiveness of ‘Latinx’ Lingo Costing Democrat Voters

Despite the best efforts of Democrats, social justice gadflies, and academic elitists to mainstream the concocted term "Latinx," a new poll showed that a significant majority of Hispanic-American citizens were frustrated by the gender-neutral lingo. Over the last few years there has also been a steadily increasing number of Hispanic-Americans exiting...

California’s Woke Math Curriculum Gets Failing Grades, Harming Education

Over 700 mathematicians and scientists signed a letter denouncing the California Mathematics Framework, a “woke” approach to math instituted by the state, as bad science that that will hurt the nation’s competitiveness and “disproportionately harm students with fewer resources,” reported the Epoch Times. “Signatories include several public school math teachers...

Chris Cuomo Hires Lawyer to File Suit Against CNN For Dismissal

After being fired by CNN for a presumed violation of journalistic ethics, and possibly sexual harassment, Chris Cuomo didn’t take much time to hire lawyers to hit back at leftist network. “Cuomo, 51, has hired lawyers and is preparing to file the lawsuit over the remainder of the four-year contract...

COVID Czars Eyeing Virus Mutants for More Control

(Headline USA) As the omicron coronavirus variant spreads in southern Africa and pops up in countries all around the world, scientists are anxiously watching a battle play out that could determine the future of the pandemic, and how far tyrannical despots and power-crazed bureaucrats can push their mandates and...

Ambush Attacks on Police Skyrocket in Wake of Leftist Defund Movement

In a year that saw radical leftist elites and woke-washed politicians wailing about the need to defund police departments, an appallingly high number of law enforcement officers were shot and killed in the line of duty. Sixty police officers, across 45 states, were killed in gunfire from Jan. 1 to...

Failed Obama Foreign Policy Looms Over Biden and Putin Talks

(Headline USA) President Joe Biden is ready to warn Vladimir Putin during a video call that Russia will face economy-jarring sanctions if it invades neighboring Ukraine as the U.S. president seeks a diplomatic solution to deal with the tens of thousands of Russian troops massed near the Ukraine border. One...

Survivors Gather to Remember Those Lost at Pearl Harbor

(Headline USA) A few dozen survivors of Pearl Harbor are expected to gather at the site of the Japanese bombing 80 years ago to remember those killed in the attack that launched the U.S. into World War II. Herb Elfring, 99, said he's glad to return to Pearl Harbor considering...
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