Monday, September 30, 2024


Mich. Library Faces Closure After Voters Reject Millage Over LGBTQ Literature

(Headline USA) Patmos Library in Mich. Jamestown Township may face closure next year after voters rejected a millage renewal on Tuesday in protest of some graphic LGTBQ content in the library’s collection. Voters defeated the millage by 62% to 37% or 763 votes. Bridge Michigan reported that 84% of the library’s $245,000 operating...

Republican Governors Call Democrat Spending Bill “Reckless”

(Headline USA) Twenty-one Republican governors called the Inflation Reduction Act "another reckless tax and spending spree" in a joint statement released Thursday. The legislation, dubbed the "Democrats spending bill" by Republicans, would reduce the federal deficit, Senate Democrats said in a summary. But the $740 billion bill would hurt all Americans, the...

Autopsy: Family Killed at Iowa Park Shot, Stabbed, Strangled

(Headline USA) Three family members killed during a shooting last month at an eastern Iowa state park were shot, stabbed and/or strangled, according to autopsy results released Thursday. Tyler Schmidt, 42, died from a gunshot wound and “multiple sharp force injuries,” while his wife, 42-year-old Sarah Schmidt, died from multiple sharp force injuries,...

MURDOCK: Manchin–Schumer Spending Deal Inflicts Heavy Costs on Everyone

(Deroy Murdock, Headline USA) The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) bears the fingerprints of Democrat Sens. Chuck Schumer of New York and Joe Manchin of West Virginia. Their 725-page ruin belies its billing, beginning with its fraudulent title. While Americans reel under 9.1% year-on-year inflation, IRA neglects the worst price surge...

Climate Alarmists Hijack D.C. Lightning Strike Tragedy

(Mark Pellin, Headline USA) Following in the well-worn path of leftists trampling over tragedies and never letting a crisis go to waste, climate alarmists have seized on a deadly D.C. natural disaster to push their radical global-warming agenda. Less than a day after three people were killed and one left in...

Alex Jones Ordered to Pay $45.2M More to Sandy Hook Parents

(Headline USA) A Texas jury on Friday ordered Infowars host Alex Jones to pay $45.2 million in punitive damages to the parents of a child who was killed in the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, adding to the $4.1 million he must pay for the suffering he put them through...

Border Crisis Suddenly Fuels Bipartisan Support

(Chris Parker, Headline USA) Several Democrats have suddenly broken party lines and are joining Republicans in fighting the illegal immigration crisis, as Border Patrol agents report an unprecedented number of encounters, averaging about 200,000 per month. The surge in illegal immigration is partially to blame for a significant increase in drug overdoses...

Whoopi Goldberg Blames Student Debt for Biden-Inflicted Economic Crisis

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) Mainstream media hack Whoopi Goldberg attempted to blame student loan debt for the recession caused by President Joe Biden and his woke administration, Legal Insurrection reported. The host of The View mentioned earlier this week that student loan forgiveness would help the tanking United States economy pull...

Groomers Catcall ‘Sexy’ Young Boy Pole-Dancing at Pa. Pride Event

(Chris Parker, Headline USA) In another disturbing example of the leftist obsession to corrupt LGBT dogma and force its public acceptance, a TikTok video that has gone viral shows an adult "grooming," teaching, a young boy how to dance sensually on a pole while calling him "sexy." The incident occurred during...

Corrupt Obama AG Eric Holder Tips Hand on DOJ’s Plan to Indict Trump

(Headline USA) Former Attorney General Eric Holder predicted this week that former President Donald Trump will “probably” be indicted on criminal charges for his role in the Jan. 6 Capitol uprising. Democrats have been clear that the goal of the partisan Jan. 6 congressional committee is to bring evidence of wrongdoing...

Union Bosses Threaten Nonunion Members in Southwest Airlines Dues Case

(Bethany Blankley, The Center Square) In a forced union dues lawsuit in which a former Southwest Airlines flight attendant won a $5.1 million judgment, emails written by a union representative obtained through discovery and acquired by The Center Square appear to show threats against the flight attendant and one...

Orban at CPAC: US, Hungary Must Unite to Beat ‘Enemies of Freedom’

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban spoke Thursday at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Dallas, where he said that Hungarians and Americans need to unite to defeat leftists, according to the Epoch Times. “Progressive liberals didn’t want me to be here because they knew what...
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