Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Clinton Pollster Says No Biden/Kamala in 2024

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) In a recent interview, Vice President Kamala Harris insisted that she would indeed be President Joe Biden's 2024 "ticket mate." However, according to Western Journal, the cackling Veep was corrected by a polling expert who gained his reputation advising for both Bill and Hillary Clinton. “I think...

Twitter Censors Peer-Reviewed COVID-19 Study, Allows Death Threats

(Chris Parker, Headline USA) Twitter is facing backlash after censoring a peer-reviewed study regarding Pfizer's COVID vaccine, while allowing a death threat against Justice Clarence Thomas to remain intact with its clear intent. Libs of TikTok shared a screenshot in which Twitter stated that the user "hasn't broken our safety...

Joe Biden Told Hunter He Was in the ‘Clear’ after Shady Business Deals

(Headline USA) On a voicemail obtained by the Daily Mail, President Joe Biden can be heard reassuring his son, Hunter, that he was in the “clear” following a New York Times report about Hunter’s shady Chinese business deals. The Dec. 12, 2018, voicemail, obtained from Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop, indicates that...

‘Hercules’ Crushes the Left’s Abortion Hypocrisy

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) Popular actor Kevin Sorbo told leftists that they are hypocrites when it comes to their opinion on who is allowed to have a say on the topic of abortion. Sorbo, an American actor who is most famous for his role as Hercules in the TV...

Chicago Mayor Lightfoot Tells Justice Thomas, SCOTUS: ‘Fu– You’

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) Rabid leftist Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot went on a vulgar tirade, slamming Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas for his concurring opinion in the Court's recent overturning of Roe v. Wade. When asked about the emotional temper tantrum later, Lightfoot stood by her words, Fox News reported. The purple-haired...

Kamala Distances White House from Leftist Push for Abortion Clinics on Federal Lands

(Headline USA) Vice President Kamala Harris downplayed the prospect of the Biden administration opening up abortion clinics on federal lands after a number of top progressives, including Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., called on the White House to explore the idea. “It’s not right now what we are discussing,” Harris said on...

Pro Soccer Looking to Top Charts in Trans Trend

(Ezekiel Loseke, Headline USA) FIFA, the governing body of world soccer, is considering dropping testosterone measurements for competitors in women’s soccer, a radical move that critics argue would give trans athletes an unfair advantage. Sports Illustrated reported that FIFA is reviewing its transgender policy earlier this month. The new regulations are...

Whoopi Goldberg Warns Clarence Thomas of Being Considered ‘Quarter of a Person’ Again

(Headline USA) The View co-host Whoopi Goldberg warned Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas this week that he could be deemed a “quarter of a person” again if his conservative beliefs become reality. Goldberg, responding to the court’s decision last week to strike down Roe v. Wade, complained that the country is...

Biden Pledges $200B for Next Pandemic, Vax Push

(John McCann, Headline USA) Speaking at the G-7 Summit, President Biden announced a plan for a massive vaccine plant dedicated to producing vaccines for COVID-19 and other diseases, laying the potential groundwork for more vaccine mandates and another pandemic. Biden announced that his administration will provide $200 billion towards a new Global...

State Supreme Court Strikes Down NYC Law Allowing Non-Citizens to Vote

(John McCann, Headline USA) The New York Supreme Court has tossed out a New York City law that would allow non-citizens to vote in municipal elections. The ruling comes as a blow to leftist efforts to expand their voting base in the Democrat stronghold. The court ruled in a 13-page opinion that...

Dem Prosecutors Join Abortion Insurrection, Aim to Block Baby-Killing Restrictions

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) Democrat prosecutors and district attorneys across the country have pledged to join the abortion insurrection and ignore state laws regarding abortion in the wake of Roe v Wade's overturning. District Attorneys in Georgia, Louisiana, Texas and Tennessee have all said that they plan to ignore any prosecution...

Chicago’s Richest Resident Moves to Florida Citing Crime

(Ezekiel Loseke, Headline USA) The wealthiest man in Chicago is relocating himself and his company to Florida, citing Chicago's excessive crime and Democrat Mayor Lori Lightfoot's refusal to combat the crisis. Ken Griffin is the wealthiest man in Chicago. He owns the $22 million company Citadel Securities, both of which will...
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