Monday, September 30, 2024


YouTube Demonetizes Journalist for Outing Election-Denying Dems.

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) Journalist Matt Taibbi has gained increasing fame in recent years for his YouTube videos that challenge the standing elite narrative. Unwilling to banish him altogether, the woke video streaming platform has decided that he can no longer make money from his account. The recent video that caught...

Soros-Linked Group Scores $41M from Biden Regime

(Joshua Paladino, Headline USA) The Acacia Center for Justice, a Soros-backed group supporting open borders, received $41.3 million in government contracts from the Biden administration. The federal government's grants will support Acacia's mission to represent illegal aliens, help them file for asylum and shield them from deportation, WND reported. Two non-profits,...

Thousands of Guns Stolen from ATF

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) In an amusing turn of events for the gun control regime, a Department of Justice Inspector General investigation has reveled that a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms security guard stole and sold thousands of guns and parts of guns because the agency failed to...

Pink Floyd Singer Canceled for Criticizing Ukraine War Funding

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) Frontman and co-founder of Pink Floyd, Roger Waters, had his concert tour canceled after receiving resounding criticism for his views on the Russia-Ukraine conflict. According to National File, all of the band's concerts in Poland were canceled after the singer continually expressed his opposition to U.S....

Report: Higher Energy Prices Nationwide Tied to Gov’t Policies

(The Center Square) – Americans are struggling with higher gas and energy prices around the country with some states faring worse than others, a new report from the American Legislative Exchange Council shows. The report says “when the government inserts itself into the energy markets, taxpayers foot the bill,” adding...

Major Government Unions Lose Over 200K Members

(The Center Square) – The top four public labor unions in the U.S. lost hundreds of thousands of members since a 2018 Supreme Court case that ruled government employees could not be forced to pay a union to keep their job, a new report shows. The Commonwealth Foundation released the...

Ian Possibly Most Costly Hurricane in U.S. History

(The Center Square) — Ian, the Category 4 hurricane that slammed Florida's western coast, has crossed the state back to the Atlantic and is taking aim for South Carolina on Friday night. With it may be the costliest hurricane on record. The U.S. record is 2005’s Hurricane Katrina, according to the...

Kamala Bombs at Korean Demilitarized Zone

(Mark Pellin, Headline USA) Vice President Kamala Harris delivered what has been roundly roasted as an embarrassing and worrisome performance during her jaunt to South Korea, while drawing mocking praise for diverting attention from her boss’ delusional and disturbing public conversation with a dead lawmaker. Joe Biden is calling out for...

China Plants Secret Cop Shops in Trudeau’s Canada

(Mark Pellin, Headline USA) While Canadian prime minister and aspiring tyrant Justin Trudeau was busy persecuting pro-freedom truckers during the pandemic, the Chinese communist government established de facto state police headquarters in the city of Toronto, where intelligence agents are charged with dispensing what critics have called “extrajudicial” means of...

Trump Offers to Help Negotiate Russia-Ukraine Armistice

(Joshua Paladino, Headline USA) Former President Donald Trump this week offered to negotiate a peace treaty between Russia and Ukraine to avoid further escalation, an idea floated more than six months ago by Headline USA. After the Nord Stream pipelines were sabotaged, Trump sent a message pleading with world leaders not to...

Ron Johnson Celebrates Surge in Polls by Chugging Beer like a Champ

(Chris Parker, Headline USA) Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., enjoyed a surge in polls on Thursday in his race against Democrat rival Mandela Barnes. Johnson celebrated the encouraging numbers - and National Drink a Beer Day - by downing a large brewski in mere seconds. The Citizen Free Press credited him by...

Book: Clinton Campaign Feared Russia Poisoning from Trump Handshake

(Chris Parker, Headline USA) An excerpt from the upcoming book The Making of Donald Trump and the Breaking of America sheds light on a wild conspiracy theory perpetuated by Hillary Clinton's senior staffers during the 2016 presidential election. Apparently, top campaign staffers fell for their own fabricated Russian collusion...
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