Sunday, September 29, 2024


Even Christmas Tree Industry Falls Prey to ‘Brandon Admin’ Inflation

(Headline USA) Even Christmas trees aren’t immune to the pandemic-induced shortages and inflation plaguing the Joe Biden economy. Some have argued that Democrat policies are largely to blame. That includes the increased energy costs as the Biden administration wages war on fossil fuels, as well as the devaluation of the...

Backlash Brewing as ‘Mild’ Variants Renew Attempts at Authoritarian Mandates

(Headline USA) Greeks who are over age 60 and refuse coronavirus vaccinations could be hit with monthly fines of more than one-quarter of their pensions---a get-tough policy that the country's politicians say will cost votes but save lives. In Israel, potential carriers of the new omicron variant could be tracked...

Woke Defense Sec. Complains in S. Korea About China’s Hypersonic Weapons

(Headline USA) America's defense chief directed a noncommital finger-wagging at China on Thursday, vowing to confront its potential military threats in Asia and warning that its pursuit of hypersonic weapons intended to evade U.S. missile defenses “increases tensions in the region.” Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin's tepid comments after annual security...

Accused Waukesha Killer Complains of Being ‘Demonized’ in Jail

(Headline USA) The black supremacist accused of massacring six people and injuring dozens after plowing his SUV through a Christmas parade in suburban Milwaukee, said Wednesday that he feels like he's being “demonized.” Darrell Brooks Jr., in an interview with Fox News from the Waukesha County Jail, offered no...

White Teen in Mich. Charged w/ Terrorism; Red SUV in Wisc. Still at Large

(Headline USA) Highlighting, yet again, the double-standard in "terrorism" charges applied by woke blue-state authoritarians seeking to misuse the laws designed to deter mass-casualty events, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer threw the book at a troubled teen with an apparent affinity for hunting. Meanwhile, leftists in neighboring Wisconsin, under Gov. Tony...

Pro-Life Justices Signal They’ll OK New Abortion Limits, May Toss Roe

(Headline USA) In the biggest challenge to abortion rights in decades, the Supreme Court’s majority signaled they would allow states to ban abortion much earlier in pregnancy and may even overturn the nationwide right that has existed for nearly 50 years. With hundreds of demonstrators outside chanting for and against,...

Biden Uses Shameless Race-Baiting to Promote HIV/AIDS Agenda

(Headline USA) The Biden administration in its new HIV/AIDS strategy calls racism “a public health threat” that must be fully recognized as the world looks to end the epidemic. The strategy released Wednesday on the annual commemoration of World AIDS Day is meant to serve as a framework for how...

Hunter Biden’s Cobalt Mines at Risk as China Warns Citizens to Flee Congo

(Headline USA) While many of presidential son Hunter Biden's financial investments seem to have a way of skating past regulatory hurdles and other legal challenges that would deter even the keenest of wits---much less a crack-addicted sex fiend---at least one appears poised to go belly up. Civil unrest in regions...

Panic Over ‘Extremely Mild’ Omicron Ruins Christmas Plans, Tourism’s Rebound Hopes

(Headline USA) Tourism businesses that were just finding their footing after nearly two years of devastation wrought by the COVID-19 pandemic are being rattled again as countries throw up new barriers to travel in an effort to contain the omicron variant. The newfound sense of doom comes in spite of...

Biden Still Ignoring Illegals, Moving to Toughen Testing Requirement for Travelers

(Headline USA) With no acknowledgement of the crisis and damage that the Biden administration's open borders policy has created, the same administration is moving to toughen testing requirements for international travelers to the U.S., including both vaccinated and unvaccinated people, amid the spread of the new omicron variant of...

Pro-Life Advocates Await Supreme Court Abortion Arguments

(Headline USA) It's the moment pro-life supporters have been waiting for, and abortion-activist leftists have been dreading. Oral arguments at the Supreme Court on Wednesday represent the best opportunity leaders on the right have had in decades to correct the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, which codified a woman's...

China Plans to Force 85% of Citizens to Use Mandarin by 2025

(Headline USA) China is launching an aggressive campaign to promote Mandarin, saying 85% of its citizens will use the national language by 2025. The move appears to put threatened Chinese regional dialects such as Cantonese and Hokkien under even greater pressure, along with minority languages such as Tibetan, Mongolian and...
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