Saturday, September 28, 2024


Nutty NY Gov. Decrees Sweeping Indoor Mask Mandate, Blames Vax Holdouts

(Headline USA) Facing a winter surge in COVID-19 infections, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul announced Friday that masks will be required in all indoor public places unless the businesses or venues implement a vaccine requirement. Hochul said the decision to impose a mask mandate was based on state’s weekly seven-day...

SCOTUS Upholds Texas Heartbeat Law but Allows Abortion Clinics to Sue

(Headline USA) The Supreme Court ruled Friday that Texas abortion providers can sue over the state’s ban on most abortions, but the justices are allowing the law to remain in effect. The court acted more than a month after hearing arguments over the law that makes abortion illegal after cardiac...

Dole Celebrated at National Cathedral, World War II Memorial

(Headline USA) Bob Dole was being honored with a private service at Washington National Cathedral and a public one at the World War II Memorial on Friday, after lying in state at the U.S. Capitol, where President Joe Biden and top leaders from both parties saluted a “giant in...

Biden Shows Keen Lack of Self-Awareness at Farcical ‘Democracy’ Summit

(Headline USA) President Joe Biden looked to close his two-day virtual Summit for Democracy on Friday by grandstanding on the importance of election integrity, countering authoritarian regimes and bolstering independent media. None are issues with which Biden has had a particularly strong track record, however, leading cynics to suspect that...

Far-Left Appeals Court Rejects Trump’s Challenge to Jan. 6 House Inquisition

(Headline USA) A federal appeals court ruled Thursday against an effort by former President Donald Trump to shield documents from the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 uprising at the Capitol. In a 68-page ruling, the three-judge panel---all of whom were Democrat appointees---tossed aside Trump's various arguments for blocking...

California Wants To Be National Abortion ‘Sanctuary’ If Roe Overturned

(Headline USA) With more than two dozen states poised to ban abortion and save unborn lives if the U.S. Supreme Court gives them the OK next year, California clinics and their far-Left allies in the state Legislature on Wednesday revealed a plan to make the state a “sanctuary" for...

Supreme Court Takes Up Religious Rights Case From Maine

(Headline USA) The Supreme Court is hearing arguments in a challenge from parents in Maine who want to use a state tuition program to send their children to religious schools. The parents argue that their exclusion from the state program violates their religious rights under the Constitution. Teacher unions and...

Another Judge Blocks Biden Vaccine Mandate

(Headline USA) A federal judge on Tuesday blocked President Joe Biden’s administration from enforcing a COVID-19 vaccine mandate for employees of federal contractors, the latest in a string of victories for Republican-led states pushing back against Biden’s tyrannical and unpopular pandemic policies. U.S. District Court Judge R. Stan Baker, in...

Major Outage at Amazon Disrupts Businesses Across The US

(Headline USA) A major outage in Amazon's cloud computing network Tuesday severely disrupted services at a wide range of U.S. companies for more than five hours, the latest sign of just how concentrated the business of keeping the internet running has become. The incident at Amazon Web Services mostly affected...

Congress Agrees To Keep Spending Like Drunk Sailors

(Headline USA) Congressional leaders reached an elaborate deal Tuesday that will allow Democrats to continue spending billions of taxpayers dollars by lifting the nation’s debt limit without any votes from Republicans, likely averting another now-commonplace rush to avoid a federal default. Hours later, the House passed legislation overwhelmingly along...

COVID Czars Eyeing Virus Mutants for More Control

(Headline USA) As the omicron coronavirus variant spreads in southern Africa and pops up in countries all around the world, scientists are anxiously watching a battle play out that could determine the future of the pandemic, and how far tyrannical despots and power-crazed bureaucrats can push their mandates and...

Failed Obama Foreign Policy Looms Over Biden and Putin Talks

(Headline USA) President Joe Biden is ready to warn Vladimir Putin during a video call that Russia will face economy-jarring sanctions if it invades neighboring Ukraine as the U.S. president seeks a diplomatic solution to deal with the tens of thousands of Russian troops massed near the Ukraine border. One...
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