Saturday, June 22, 2024


Trump’s Gains w/ Latino Voters May be Permanent

(Ezekiel Loseke, Headline USA) President Donald Trump gained significant ground with Latino voters in 2020, and recent polling suggests those gains may be permanent. President Donald Trump matched or outperformed recent Republicans with the Latino vote in 2016, but in 2020, he made significant gains with Latinos, per FiveThirtyEight, which hosted...

Nat’l Guardsman ‘Accidentally’ Given COVID Vax Instead of Flu Shot

(Joshua Paladino, Headline USA) The Maine National Guard admitted that several soldiers, including some seeking religious exemptions from the COVID-19 vaccine mandate, were "accidentally" given a coronavirus injection rather than a flu shot, Just the News reported. "The Maine National Guard has not, and would never purposefully administer a COVID...

Fauci Gives NEW $653K Grant to Company behind Wuhan’s COVID Leak

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) Dr. Anthony Fauci has given out another massive grant, this time $653,000, to Peter Daszak's EcoHealth Alliance to study bat coronaviruses. Fauci's organization, the National Institutes of Health has awarded the substantial grant via a tranche of funding to “EcoHealth Alliance, Inc.” led by Peter Daszak, Quoth...

J6 Prisoners Seek Transfer to Guantanamo, Citing D.C. Gulag’s Conditions

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) In a desperate letter, 34 J6 political prisoners requested a transfer to Guantanamo Bay prison in order to escape the brutal conditions to which they have been exposed in their Washington, D.C. gulag. The prisoners have been held for up to one and a half years...

Disclaimer Could Destroy N.Y. Atty Gen.’s $250M Lawfare Attack on Trumps

(Joshua Paladino, Headline USA) Former President Donald Trump said New York Attorney General Letitia James, who accused him of fraud, has "no case" because he put a disclaimer on his financial statements, Business Insider reported. James filed a lawsuit on Sept. 21 against Trump, his three oldest children and the...

Hillary Slams Biden’s Open Borders, Setting Up 2024 Showdown

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) Twice failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton appears to be setting herself up for yet another run at the White House. In particular, she recently went out of her way to slam President Joe Biden for his open border immigration policies, differentiating herself by pretending to take...

UN Official Declares ‘We Own the Science’ During WEF Disinfo Panel

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) During a portion of a World Economic Forum anti-disinformation panel, a United Nations representative announced that the UN's globalist administrators "own the science" when referencing "climate information." At the WEF's "Sustainable Development Impact Meeting," participants from the UN, CNN and Brown University discussed best ways to...

Joy Reid: Defending Against Hurricane Looters is RACIST

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) MSNBC Host Joy Reid smeared Ron DeSantis as a "segregationist" after his announcement warning looters that they may face armed resistance, as Florida is "a Second Amendment state." "We want to make sure we're maintaining law and order," DeSantis said. "Don't even think about looting. Don't...

Dem Official: Kids May Be Killed by Parents if Teachers Disclose ‘Gender Identity’

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) Acting chairman of the New Hampshire Democratic Party, Raymond Buckley, made the wild claim that if public schools are not allowed to withhold information from parents regarding their child's behavior in school—particularly in the case of "gender identity"—that parents will beat their children to death. According...

In 2 Years, 327 Virginians Had Firearms Confiscated through Red-Flag Laws

( Tyler Arnold, The Center Square) Hundreds of Virginians have had their guns confiscated from them through red-flag laws since those rules went into effect more than two years ago, according to data in the Virginia Firearms Transaction Center. Red-flag laws allow police to seize firearms from a person if...

Ex-Maine Gov. Paul LePage Shies Away from MAGA Movement to Get Elected

(Headline USA) When then-Maine Gov. Paul LePage endorsed President Donald Trump in 2016, he credited himself as a prototype for the insurgent presidential candidate. “I was Donald Trump before Donald Trump became popular, so I think I should support him since we are one of the same cloth,” said LePage, whose...

Attempt to Veto Universal School Choice in Ariz. Officially Fails

(Cole Lauterbach, The Center Square) State officials have verified that a group trying to stop the nation’s most expansive school choice program was short by tens of thousands of signatures when they claimed otherwise. Ariz. Secretary of State Katie Hobbs announced Friday that Save Our Schools Arizona’s petition effort to...
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