Saturday, June 22, 2024


GOP Plans to Expunge Trump Impeachment from House Records if They Win

'The president should have never been impeached in the first place...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Republicans plan to expunge records of the House’s articles of impeachment against President Trump if they retake the House in November, according to House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy. “This is the fastest, weakest, most political impeachment...

Bumbling Iowa Dems’ Caucus Results ‘Riddled’ w/ ‘Errors, Inconsistencies’

Sanders camp accuses Democratic establishment of attempting to undermine his campaign... (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) The Iowa Democratic Party released partial results from this week’s primary caucus, but they are riddled with “errors and inconsistencies,” according to the New York Times. Due to technological complications and human error, the Democratic Party...

House Democrats Applaud Pelosi’s Petulant Behavior in Private Meeting

'She did what she needed to do...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) House Speaker Nancy Pelosi defended her decision to rip up a physical copy of President Trump’s State of the Union speech in a private meeting with her caucus on Wednesday morning, calling it “liberating.” Democrats reportedly gave Pelosi a standing...

Bill Maher Blasts Warren’s Tranny Pandering: ‘You’re the Party of This Bullsh**’

'Is she running for president of Berkeley?' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Liberal comedian Bill Maher slammed presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., for pandering to the LGBT community after Warren said she’d make sure her Education Department secretary earned the approval of transgender children. "Elizabeth Warren, who I've always liked, but...

Liberals Blame Iowa Dems’ Primary Caucus Disaster on Racism

'Ninety-one percent of the voters in Iowa are white....' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) MSNBC analyst Zerlina Maxwell argued that the Iowa primary caucus should be done away with — not because the Democratic Party is unable to efficiently organize it, but because the caucus schedule is front-loaded for caucasians. "The Iowa...

Pelosi Faces Backlash, Possible Charges for Ripping SOTU Speech

'I’ve never seen such disgraceful behavior from any other speaker of the house. I was ashamed of you. I used to admire you. No more...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) In the culmination of a series of devastating recent political setbacks for Democrats, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., may have been...

ICE: Charlottesville Released Alleged Child Rapist TWICE, Ignoring Detainer Request

'When we’re talking about the safety of a child, there’s no room to play political games...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) The left-wing leaders in Charlottesville, Virginia, were so determined to vanquish the menace of Confederate monuments that they spurred a riotous 2017 clash, which resulted in three lost lives and...

Iowa Dems Release Partial Results: Buttigieg and Sanders Neck-and-Neck

'I apologize deeply for this...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) After claiming that a "coding" error in an untested app had caused a crash Monday, delaying results in the party's Iowa caucus, Democrats in the Hawkeye State released partial results late Tuesday showing a neck-and-neck race between former mayor Pete Buttigieg...

Joni Ernst Rebuffs Democrats’ Distortions on Joe Biden ‘Impeachment’ Remark

'The door of impeachable whatever has been opened...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, clarified her recent statement that former Vice President Joe Biden could face impeachment charges if elected president, saying her comments had been distorted by the media. “That was taken entirely out of context,” Ernst told...

Calls Grow for DNC Chair Tom Perez to Resign

'If you screw Bernie like you did in 2016 I'll be voting for Trump again...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) As the disastrous Iowa caucus brought more chaos than clarity to the Democratic nominating contest, calls began to grow in the public sphere for Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez to...

Social Media Reacts to Iowa Debacle w/ Shock, Rage and Humor

'Trump should be removed from office for promoting conspiracy theories and lies about the Iowa primary. He’s sick...' Warning: Contains Profanity (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headline) President Donald Trump gleefully mocked Democrats over the disastrous meltdown of the Iowa caucuses, the first official vote of the election season, after an app crash...

Schiff Pleads w/GOP to Convict Trump: ‘He is Not Who You Are’

'You can’t trust this president to do the right thing...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff concluded the Democrats' closing arguments in their impeachment trial on Monday by pleading with GOP senators to convict President Donald Trump and remove him from office. “Truth matters to you. Right matters...
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