Saturday, September 7, 2024


RINO John Thune Urges Biden to Replace American Workers w/ Immigrants

(Chris Parker, Headline USA) As immigration, both legal and illegal, in the US nears historic highs, Senate Minority Whip John Thune, R-S.D., joined Democrats in asking President Biden to increase the number of H-2B visa workers. The request comes at a time when millions of American citizens are unemployed and the...

Biden Admin’s Appeal of Obama-Era DACA Policy Flops in Federal Court

(Headline USA) An effort by open-borders activists and the Biden adminitration to force red states to comply with an unconstitutional executive order from former President Barack Obama appeared to founder before a federal appeals court Wednesday. Attorneys hoped to save the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program that blocked the...

Biden DOJ Sues Ariz. to Block Law Requiring Proof of Citizenship to Vote

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) President Joe Biden's Department of Justice has decided to press charges against the state of Arizona for a law requiring citizens of to prove their citizenship in the state before voting. The Arizona H.B. 2492 bill would simply require that citizens provide proof of citizenship in...

Texas Counties to Declare State of Emergency Over ‘Unprecedented’ Border Crisis

(Headline USA) Three Texas counties plan to declare a state of emergency over the “unprecedented” number of illegal immigrants surging into their towns, a direct result of the Biden administration's failing open borders policy. Officials in Kinney County, Goliad County, and Uvalde County said they will make an “important announcement about...

Calif. Spending Billions to Give Illegals ‘Free’ Healthcare Insurance

(Pamela Cosel, Headline USA) California Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom proved once again how much he loves spending taxpayer dollars to fund special benefits for criminals, announcing a state budget that includes billions of dollars to expand Medi-Cal and give so-called free health insurance to illegal immigrants. The program, slated to...

Newsom Breaking Homeless Records in Crumbling Calif.

(Ezekiel Loseke, Headline USA) Sacramento, California, has experienced a 66% increase in homeless people over the last two years, despite extravagant spending meant to address the crisis. In 2019, 5,500 homeless people camped out in Sacramento, but now almost 9,300 people live on the streets there, according to CapRadio. The 2019 numbers were...

New Arizona Law Spends Big Bucks for Border Wall

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) Arizona recently passed a law committing the state to spending hundreds of millions of dollars to secure the country with a border wall, since President Joe Biden seems determined to allow his failing immigration policies to create havoc. The new law allocates more than $300 million in...

Calif. Becomes First State to Give Food Stamps to Illegal Immigrants

(Chris Parker, Headline USA) Gov. Gavin Newsom, D-Calif., has signed a state budget deal that includes food stamps for illegal immigrants, making it the first state to do so and again extending benefits to criminals at the expense of taxpayers.  reported Breitbart. The expansion will cost Californians $35 million and...

Terrorists Pouring across Biden’s Open Border

(Tony Sifert, Headline USA) The Biden administration is lying about the unprecedented number of terrorists illegally crossing the United States' southern border, with actual data indicating record-breaking incursions. The Epoch Times cited an interview that Rep. Clay Higgins, R-La., gave to media outlet MTD in which Higgins claimed that thousands...

Mayorkas Blames Cartels for Biden’s Failing Border Policies

(Chris Parker, Headline USA) President Biden's embattled Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas is blaming Mexican cartels for increased crime and violence at the US/Mexican border, despite the administration's lax enforcement of immigration laws. Mayorkas said the cartels' “cruelty is illustrated very powerfully in the tragedy that was just experienced...

Illegal Alien Drug-Runners Released after Arrest for 150K Fentanyl Pills

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) Two drug traffickers from Washington State were released after being arrested in California with 150,000 fentanyl pills in their possession—enough to kill millions. According to BizPac Review, two illegal immigrants, Jose Zendejas, 25, and Benito Madrigal, 19, were arrested during what started as a traffic stop...

Cartels Using Social Media for Smugglers, 46 Migrants Found Dead in Trailer

(Tony Sifert, Headline USA) In light of the recent discovery of 46 dead trafficked migrants in a tractor-trailer in a San Antonio neighborhood, it is worth revisiting a recent U.S. Customs and Border Protection report that detailed how smugglers use social media to lure youths to serve as drivers. At least 42...
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