Friday, March 14, 2025


CNN’s Cuomo Mocks Fla. Gov. After He Praised His Big Brother Following Nursing Home Deaths

'You won’t see here. Why? Because he’s got nothing to say...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) CNN’s Chris Cuomo mocked Ron DeSantis for reopening Florida “too soon” on Monday, accusing the governor of triggering a surge of coronavirus cases in his state. But Cuomo has nothing but praise for his older brother,...

Granny-Killing Cuomo NOW Blames COVID Front-Liners for Nursing-Home Deaths

'They came to work and they brought in the infection...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) More than 40% of all COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. are connected to nursing homes, according to a report by the New York Times. This connection is particularly bad in New York, where Gov. Andrew Cuomo passed...

REPORT: Biden Cancer Org. Gave Millions to Top Execs, Little to Actual Research

Funding for defunct initiative came from 57 'partnerships' with drug and health-insurance industries... (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) A nonprofit established by presidential candidate Joe Biden has given millions of dollars to its top executives, but very little money toward actual cancer research, according to a report by the Washington Free...

Oregon County Requires Face Masks…for White People ONLY

'It looks like almost every criminal sketch of any garden-variety black suspect...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) An Oregon County passed a directive last week requiring everyone to wear a face mask in public, except for people of color worried about “racial profiling.” The Lincoln County Public Health Administrator announced last week...

WATCHDOG: FDA Partnered w/ Aborted-Fetus Supplier to Engineer ‘Humanized’ Mice

'Age range 16-24 weeks ... must be fresh and never frozen...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) The Food and Drug Administration entered into eight contracts over the span of six years to acquire “fresh and never frozen” tissue from a fetal tissue firm, according to a report by Judicial Watch. Records show...

Cuomo Continues to Deflect Blame for New York’s Nursing Home Deaths

'Yes, we had more people die in nursing homes than anywhere else ... because the federal government missed the boat...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo continues to insist that his disastrous policy forcing nursing homes to accept COVID-19 patients had nothing to do with New York’s...

Sleazy Dem. Senators Blame Police for COVID Spike, Not Riots

'As people exercise their constitutional right to protest, it is of paramount importance that you ensure that law enforcement authorities do not contribute to the COVID-19 pandemic...' (Michael Barnes, Liberty Headlines) After months of forced social distancing, government mandated business closures and record unemployment, Wuhan virus safety protocols vanished overnight...

NBC’s ‘Expert’ Doctor Who Said He Survived COVID Never Tested Positive

'there was no mention of those negative tests - only that Fair had survived his battle with coronavirus...' (Michael Barnes, Liberty Headlines) Dr. Joseph Fair is a hero and we should all be listening to his expert medical advice and patterning our lives after him. That’s how NBC News has framed...

Manhattan Apartment Rentals Hollowing Out Following COVID, Riots

'The supply of available rental units continues to accumulate...' (Michael Barnes, Liberty Headlines) It’s often said that people vote with their feet. And true to form, New York City’s real estate market is showing signs of a mass exodus in the wake of the poorly handled Wuhan virus crisis and Black Lives...

Charlotte-Area Leaders Declare Racism a Public Health Crisis

'I am certainly willing to put my vote where my words are...' (Joshua Paladino, Liberty Headlines) Charlotte, North Carolina city officials said they support a resolution to declare that racism is a public health crisis and Mecklenburg County officials unanimously passed a similar resolution. Mecklenburg County Commissioners drafted and approved a resolution...

Congressional Report Connects Wuhan Virus Lab to ChiComs & Their Military

'This was a failure of monumental proportions and it is imperative that we uncover the truth so we can set up future safeguards ...' (Michael Barnes, Liberty Headlines) A new interim congressional report exploring the origins of the Wuhan coronavirus prominently examines information about the Wuhan Institute of Virology and...

WHO Official Says Asymptomatic COVID Transmission 'Very Rare'

'There is still too much unknown about this virus...' (Joshua Paladino, Liberty Headlines) A World Health Organization official said Monday that the asymptomatic transmission of the Wuhan virus is "very rare," and governments should focus their efforts on quarantining people with active illnesses, CNBC reported. The unscientific conspiracy theory of widespread...
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