Monday, June 24, 2024


Federal Agencies Warn of Ransomware Cyber-Attack on Hospitals and Health Systems

(Headline USA) Federal agencies warned that cybercriminals could unleash a wave of data-scrambling extortion attempts against the U.S. health care system, an effort that, if successful, could paralyze hospital information systems. In a joint alert Wednesday, the FBI and two federal agencies said they had credible information of “an increased...

NC’s Leftist Governor Wants Counties to Do His Lockdown Dirty Work; They Aren’t Having It

(Julie Havlak, Carolina Journal) Johnnie Carswell won’t be a tool for North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper’s shutdowns. He had words for Dr. Mandy Cohen, N.C. Department of Health and Human Services secretary, too. Cohen last week wrote 36 counties asking officials “to consider additional local actions to improve compliance.” Suggestions included shuttering...

Ill. Gov. Bans Indoor Dining in Chicago Over Alleged Virus ‘Surge’

(Headline USA) "Surging" COVID-19 cases in Chicago prompted Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker on Tuesday to ban indoor dining and bar services and limit the number of people gathering in one place. However, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot says she isn’t sure Pritzker’s new restrictions are targeting the right people and worries...

Superspreaders? Leftist ‘Think Tank’ Finds COVID Cases Often DECLINE After Trump Rallies

Do rallies by President Donald Trump decrease the number of coronavirus cases? According to a recent analysis by the far-left Center for American Progress, they might. At the very least, the data suggest little to no correlation between the two events. The propagandist group, founded by Hillary Clinton flunky John Podesta, analyzed...

Ohio Landlords Sue CDC Over Unconstitutional Ban on Evictions

A group of Ohio landlords, joined by the National Association of Home Builders, filed a lawsuit Friday to overturn the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s ban on evictions during the coronavirus pandemic. The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Ohio, alleges that the...

Obama Admin Health Bureaucrats Bash Pence Rallies, Despite Negative COVID Test

(Headline USA) Health policy specialists questioned White House officials' claim that federal rules on essential workers allow Vice President Mike Pence to continue to campaign and not quarantine himself after potentially being exposed to the coronavirus. Pence tested negative on Sunday and decided to keep traveling after consulting White House medical personnel, his...

Remdesivir Becomes First COVID-Treating Drug to Receive Full FDA Approval

(Headline USA) U.S. regulators on Thursday approved the first drug to treat COVID-19: remdesivir, an antiviral medicine given to hospitalized patients through an IV. The drug, which California-based Gilead Sciences Inc. is calling Veklury, cut the time to recovery by five days---from 15 days to 10 on average---in a large...

Perfect Timing: Mich. Gov. Whitmer Warns of Coming COVID Spike; New Lockdowns Likely?

(Headline USA) Just in time for Election Day, Michigan's Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer claimed Wednesday that her state has more confirmed cases of the coronavirus than ever. She noted a sharp increase since the state Supreme Court rebuffed her sweeping lockdown orders earlier this month, declaring the authoritarian measures unconstitutional. The...

California Won’t Allow Virus Vaccines Without State Approval

(Headline USA) California won't allow any distribution of coronavirus vaccines in the nation’s most populous state until it is reviewed by the state’s own panel of experts, Gov. Gavin Newsom said Monday. Vaccinations for the pandemic “will move at the speed of trust,” said Newsom, a Democrat, and the state...

Twitter Censors COVID Task Force Advisor for Saying Masks Do Not Work

(Headline USA) Twitter censored a post Sunday from an adviser to President Donald Trump who suggested that masks do not work to stop the spread of the coronavirus. Scott Atlas, who joined the White House in August as a science adviser, had tweeted "Masks work? NO," and said widespread use...

FIRST LADY: Barron Also Tested Positive for COVID, Showed No Symptoms

(Headline USA) After months of enduring attacks from left-wing critics who claimed he had misled the public with an overly rosy picture of the coronavirus, President Donald Trump put his money where his mouth is. Trump has advocated vociferously for schools to reopen, citing statistics that show little risk of...

Cuomo Blames GOP, NYPost for Fueling Scandal over His COVID Nursing-Home Massacre

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo blamed Republicans and the New York Post for the controversy surrounding his deadly policy of forcing nursing homes to accept coronavirus patients. In his new memoir, American Crisis, Cuomo acknowledged the impact the coronavirus outbreak has had on his state’s nursing homes, but he denied...
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