Monday, September 16, 2024


Taiwan Pays $900,000 for Ally Guatemala to Lobby Washington

(Headline USA) Guatemala has hired for $900,000 a major supporter of former President Donald Trump to seek influence with U.S. officials in an unusual lobbying contract paid for by its ally Taiwan, foreign lobby records show. Ballard Partners registered as a foreign agent with the U.S. Justice Department on...

China Puts 20M Under House Arrest to Avoid Olympics COVID Spread

(Headline USA) China further tightened its anti-pandemic measures in Beijing and across the country on Friday as scattered outbreaks continued ahead of the opening of the Winter Olympics in a little over two weeks. More than 20 million people are under lockdown, many restricted to their homes amid concerns over...

Russia Denies Looking for Pretext to Invade Ukraine

(Headline USA) Russia's top diplomat on Monday angrily rejected the U.S. allegations that it was preparing a pretext to invade Ukraine as Russian troops have remained concentrated near the border. The White House said Friday that U.S. intelligence officials had concluded that Russia had already deployed operatives to rebel-controlled eastern...

Australia Revokes Tennis Star Djokovic’s Visa Again, Threatens Deportation

(Headline USA) Novak Djokovic faces deportation again after the Australian government revoked his visa for a second time, the latest twist in the ongoing saga over whether the No. 1-ranked tennis player will be allowed to compete in the Australian Open despite being unvaccinated for COVID-19. Immigration Minister Alex Hawke said Friday...

North Korea Fires Fresh Missiles in Response to US Sanctions

(Headline USA) North Korea on Friday fired what appeared to be two short-range ballistic missiles in its third weapons launch this month, officials in South Korea said, in an apparent reprisal for fresh sanctions imposed by the Biden administration for its continuing test launches. South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff...

Russia Demands US, NATO Response Next Week on Ukraine

(Headline USA) Russia on Friday strongly repeated its demand that NATO will not expand eastward, despite the rejection of that by the military alliance amid a Russian troop buildup near Ukraine. It added that it wouldn't wait indefinitely for the Western response. Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Friday described Moscow’s demands...

Ala. Woman Who Joined ISIS Stuck in Refugee Camp After SCOTUS Refuses Case

(Headline USA) Attorneys for a traitor who left her Alabama home to join the Islamic State terror group plan to continue fighting, even though the Supreme Court declined to consider her lawsuit seeking to re-enter the United States, one of the lawyers said Wednesday. Hoda Muthana and her 4-year-old child---the...

Hunter Biden’s ‘Close Friend’ Arrested For Treason in Kazakhstan

The former Kazakhastan intelligence chief, whom Hunter Biden once described as his “close friend,” was arrested by Kazakh authorities last week for high treason. Karim Massimov, who has been seen with both Hunter Biden and President Joe Biden, was fired from his post as chairman of the Kazakhstan National Security...

US Taxpayers Have Fronted $780M in Aid to Clean Up Biden’s Afghan Mess

(Headline USA) The White House has announced $308 million in additional assistance for Afghanistan as it edges toward a humanitarian crisis brought about by President Joe Biden's botched military withdrawal, which resulted in a Taliban takeover nearly five months ago. That brings U.S. humanitarian assistance for Afghanistan to more than...

Israeli McDonald’s Refuses to Serve Those Who Won’t Submit to Vax Jab

A McDonald's branch in Israel has decided that it will no longer serve the unvaxxed, Fox Business reported. Obtaining "vaccinated" status in Israel has become increasingly difficult in recent months, as the state has forced thousands into the jab, and is now requiring many boosters as well. Welcome to Israel’s draconian...

Biden’s Nov. Trade Deficit Hits Near Record-High $80.2B

(Headline USA) The U.S. trade deficit surged to a near-record high of $80.2 billion in November as exports slowed at the same time that imports jumped sharply. The November deficit was 19.3% higher than the October deficit of $67.2 billion and was just below the all-time monthly record of $81.4...

French Pres. Macron Goes Full Biden, Insults Unvaxxed w/ Profanities

Editor's Note: This article contains French profanities. (Headline USA) French President Emmanuel Macron has provoked outcries in parliament and protests from election rivals by using a vulgarity to describe his strategy for pressuring vaccine refusers to get coronavirus jabs. Macron used the French word “emmerder,” rooted in the French word for...
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