Saturday, June 22, 2024


China Seeks US Protection from Extraterrestrial Attacks by Elon Musk

(Headline USA) China is calling on the United States to protect a Chinese space station and its three-member crew after Beijing complained that satellites launched by Elon Musk’s SpaceX nearly struck the station. A foreign ministry spokesman accused Washington on Tuesday of ignoring its treaty obligations to protect the safety...

Officials: Nearly 25% of Navy Warship Crew Has COVID-19

(Headline USA) About two dozen sailors on a U.S. Navy warship---or roughly 25% of the crew---have now tested positive for COVID-19, keeping the ship sidelined in port at Naval Station Guantanamo Bay in Cuba Monday, according to U.S. defense officials. The USS Milwaukee has a crew of a bit more...

China Puts City of 13M in Lockdown Ahead of Olympics

(Headline USA) China plunged a city of 13 million people into lockdown on Thursday, ostensibly to stamp out an increase in coronavirus infections, as the country doubles down on its “zero tolerance” policy just weeks before it is set to host the Winter Olympics. The restrictions in the northeastern city...

White House Seeks Common Strategy w/ Israel to Address Newly Emboldened Iran

(Headline USA) The United States and Israel need a “common strategy” as world powers negotiate a new nuclear deal with Iran, the White House's national security adviser said Wednesday. Jake Sullivan spoke ahead of a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and other Israeli security officials in Jerusalem. He...

NIH-Funded Harvard Scientist Found Guilty of Hiding Ties to Wuhan University

UPDATE: China on Wednesday defended its international scientific 'exchange' programs in the wake of the conviction of a Harvard University professor charged with hiding his ties to a Chinese-run recruitment program. Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said China manages such exchanges along the same lines as the U.S. and other...

Leaked Emails Show Hillary KNEW of Wuhan Institute’s Bioweapons Pursuit in 2009

Emails published by Wikileaks show then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warning member-nations of the Australia Group ahead of a 2009 meeting about possible "biological weapons proliferation" stemming from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China, according to media sources including Slay News. "The U.S. believes participants would benefit from hearing...

S. Africa to Stop Tracing, Quarantine as Counterproductive in Mild Variant

The Ministerial Advisory Committee on COVID-19 in South Africa has advised Health Minister Joe Phaahlathat contact tracing should be eliminated for the omicron variant of the virus, reported South Africa’s News 24. Out of South Africa... "The Ministerial Advisory Committee (MAC) on Covid-19 has written to Health Minister Joe Phaahla, recommending...

Putin Throws Down Demands For Security Pact w/ NATO

(Headline USA) Russia on Friday published draft security demands that NATO deny membership to Ukraine and other former Soviet countries and roll back the alliance's military deployments in Central and Eastern Europe — bold ultimatums that are almost certain to be rejected by the U.S. and its allies. But with President...

Biden Bumbles As Ukrainian Fears Mount Over Russian Invasion

Segments of Ukraine have been reduced to near rubble and the sound of small arms fire is frequently heard in daylight hours giving way to booms and bright flashes at night, reported the Associated Press, as Russian-back separatists and Russian troops continue to amass on the border with the...

Russia Hands Draft Security Pacts to US, Expects Quick Talks as Ukraine Tensions Build

(Headline USA) The Kremlin said Thursday that Russia submitted draft documents outlining security arrangements it wants to negotiate with the United States and its NATO allies amid spiraling tensions over Ukraine. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said a senior Russian envoy stood ready to immediately depart for talks in a neutral...

WATCH: Did Germans Send Santa Claus to COVID Concentration Camp?

A German Santa Claus was detained by police for failing to comply with COVID protocols, Newsweek reported. While the fate of the Santa was unclear, the arrest comes amid growing alarm as some European countries---including Germany---implement harsh, Draconian policies that justifiably have been compared with Nazi-era concentration camps. Police claimed that...

US Navy Tests Laser Weapon to Deter Bomb-Laden Drone Boats off Yemeni Coast

(Headline USA) The U.S. Navy announced Wednesday it tested a laser weapon and destroyed a floating target in the Mideast, a system that could be used to counter bomb-laden drone boats deployed by Yemen's Houthi rebels in the Red Sea. The test Tuesday saw the USS Portland test-fire its Laser...
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