Sunday, September 22, 2024


Was Musk’s Twitter Poll about Resigning a Secret Trap for Leftist ‘Bot’ Accounts?

https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1604617643973124097?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1604617643973124097%7Ctwgr%5Eae37729ce8b409d743287119de53bdc5daab7831%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailyfetched.com%2Fone-massive-bot-trap-why-elon-musks-poll-about-stepping-down-is-not-what-it-seems%2F (Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) On Dec. 18 Elon Musk posted a Twitter poll, asking users to decide his fate as CEO, wondering whether or not he should step down and promising to abide by the results. After receiving over 17 million votes at the time of this publication, voters had...

Biden Admin Grants $550K to Develop AI that Detects Online ‘Microaggressions’

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) President Joe Biden and his administration are set to dole out massive grants bribing private companies to develop artificial intelligence that is made to detect internet microaggressions. The grant, which totals nearly $700,000, will specifically target microaggressions used on social media accounts, the Washington Free Beacon...

Ga. Supreme Court Says Dismissed 2020 Election Lawsuits Had Standing After All

(Joshua Paladino, Headline USA) The Georgia Supreme Court ordered that lower courts hear two 2020 election lawsuits that they had previously dismissed for lack of "standing," the Georgia Record reported. The high court reversed the lower-court ruling for Caroline Jeffords v. Fulton County, in which nine Georgia plaintiffs allege voter...

Stanford Claims the Term ‘American’ is ‘Harmful Language’

(Headline USA) Stanford University released a guide this week on “harmful” language that it will remove from its online presence, noting that the term “American” is one such spiteful word. The language guide, titled the Elimination of Harmful Language Initiative, says Stanford hopes to “eliminate many forms of harmful language,...

GOP Rep. Bishop Eviscerates $1.7 Trillion Spending Spree that Senate RINOs Boosted

(Mark Pellin, Headline USA) The usual herd of Senate RINOs, along with a few discouraging collaborators, agreed Tuesday night to advance the $1.7 trillion leftist agenda spending plan and omnibus grift. Not voting: Barrasso, Burr, Cruz, Hickenlooper and Inhofe. We do not expect further votes this evening. https://t.co/mHC2o91qEz — Senate Press Gallery (@SenatePress)...

Legal Scholar Jonathan Turley Dismantles J6 Committee’s Criminal Referral of Trump

(Joshua Paladino, Headline USA) TheHouse's partisan Jan. 6 committee recommended that the Justice Department press charges against former President Donald Trump for incitement, obstruction, aiding an insurrection and conspiracy, but legal scholar Jonathan Turley called the investigation "a desecration of our constitutional process that harmed us all." The committee released...

Vox Sadly Attempts to Lib-Splain Success of ‘Gutfeld!’, Conservative Humor

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) Far-Left journalism outlet Vox recently published a confused article addressing conservative comedy show Gutfeld!, expressing bewilderment at its popularity and openly admitting that they do not understand it at all. Host Greg Gutfeld, former magazine editor and current Fox News personality, is contrasted with leftist comedians...

Kamala Would ‘Require’ Big Tech to Obey Govt. on ‘Security of our Democracy’

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) In an interview on National Public Radio's All Things Considered, Vice President Kamala Harris made it clear that if she were president, she would expect leaders of social media platforms to acquiesce to her censorship requirements. According to Brietbart, when commenting on the changes at Twitter,...

STUDY: 38% of Liberal Arts College Students Identify as LGBT

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) A study by the Center for the Study of Partisanship and Ideology found that 38% of students at liberal arts colleges across the United States identify as LGBT. Survey data indicated there were likely several liberal arts colleges where the majority of students identify as LGBT. Of...

Orwellian Propaganda Org. Media Matters Dubs Tucker Carlson ‘Misinformer of the Year’

(Joshua Paladino, Headline USA) Fox New host Tucker Carlson earned the title "Misinformer of the Year" from Media Matters, a far-left group that attacks conservatives on behalf of the Democrat Party, the mainstream media and Deep State intelligence agencies, Twitchy reported. Carlson toppled all the sacred Leftist gods this year—COVID-19,...

Stanford University Proclaims the Word ‘American’ Is ‘Harmful’

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) Stanford University decided that the word “American” is “harmful” and, therefore, needs to be replaced, according to the Post Millennial. This May, Stanford developed the "Elimination of Harmful Language Initiative" to eliminate certain words and phrases and replace them with woke, Orwellian alternatives. “American” is one...

STUDY: COVID Jabs Causing Recipients to Become More Docile

(Joshua Paladino, Headline USA) Doctors investigating the COVID-19 mRNA injections discussed their belief that the shots are changing people's personalities by making them more docile and submissive, Natural News reported. Those opposed to the COVID-19 regime have noted for two years that the mask mandates, lockdowns, forced isolation policies and...
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