Sunday, March 9, 2025


Border Patrol to Deport Illegals Rather than Return to Sanctuaries for Prosecution

'We have to pick: Federal law or state law'... (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) The new chief of Border Patrol said his agency will not turn over illegal aliens accused of crimes if local law enforcement agencies can’t guarantee the illegals will be returned to Immigration and Customs Enforcement for deportation. This...

Amid Economic Crisis, DHS Expands H-2B Unskilled Worker Program

'Increasing the number of guestworkers at this time would only add to the economic distress caused by the pandemic...' (Michael Barnes, Liberty Headlines) Despite a looming unemployment crisis brought on by coronavirus-related shutdowns, the Trump administration appears committed to the planned expansion of the H-2B unskilled guest-worker program. The State Department has...

McConnell Urges Older Judges to Retire So Trump Can Replace Them

'If you are thinking about quitting this year, do it yesterday...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is reportedly urging older, conservative federal judges to retire so that President Donald Trump can replace their positions with ideological allies. McConnell has been meeting with senior judges to discuss why...

CNN’s Bash Resists Trump-Haters; PRAISES President’s Coronavirus Response

'This is an important thing to note and to applaud, from an American standpoint...'(Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) CNN host Dana Bash admitted on Tuesday that President Trump’s recent response to the coronavirus pandemic has been “incredible.”"If you look at the big picture, this was remarkable by the president of...

Radical Dems Demand Student-Loan Amnesty in Next Coronavirus Package

'Immediately, the Secretary of Education must take over all monthly payments during this public health emergency...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) After the House and Senate passed a comprehensive coronavirus funding bill, Rep. Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass., and Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., demanded that congressional leadership include student-loan debt cancellation in the...

Border Agency Closes Offices to All Asylum-Seekers Due to Coronavirus Concerns

'Travelers will no longer be permitted to cross the border for recreation and tourism. In both our countries, we’re encouraging people to stay home...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services is temporarily shutting down its offices nationwide in response to the coronavirus pandemic. The agency said in a...

As Trump Touts Perseverance and Sacrifice, Media Harps on His Use of ‘Chinese Virus’

'I think they probably would agree with it 100 percent...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) At a Wednesday press conference, President Donald Trump and several other high-level officials sought to update the public about the latest developments to combat the coronavirus. Sadly, many in the media seemed more fixated on the fact...

GOP Watchdog: Coronavirus Stimulus Bill May HURT Workers Instead of Relieving Them

'It's a dream policy of House and Senate Democrats that could be implemented during the time of an emergency...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) As details unfold over what was included in House Democrats' coronavirus stimulus bill, which was passed last Saturday with little opportunity for review, FreedomWorks is among those...

Dem. Impeachment Lawyer Contracts Coronavirus, Blames Trump

'It is impossible to reach any conclusion other than that the President is sacrificing the health of the American public for his own personal interests...' (Michael Barnes, Liberty Headlines) House Democrats’ top impeachment lawyer has contracted the coronavirus, or COVID-19. Daniel Goldman admitted on Twitter that he was the former staff...

Rep. Wants Rushed Coronavirus Rescue Bill FIXED; 'Clean Up This Mess'

'Last Saturday morning, I witnessed the most rushed vote I’ve ever seen in all my time in public office...' (Joshua Paladino, Liberty Headlines) Rep. Glenn Grothman, R-Wis., called on the Senate to scrutinize the contents of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act after the House rushed a vote on it Saturday...

Pocahontas VP Pick May Be Biden’s Peace Pipe to Progressives

'I think she represents a sort of bridge between the moderate land and progressive lane...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) A few of Democratic presidential front-runner Joe Biden’s allies are urging him to pick Sen. Elizabeth Warren as his running mate. Warren, who is considered primary rival Bernie Sanders’s ideological ally, could...

Could Trump Cancel the Election? Possibility Seems Real as Virus Panic Spreads…

'Without careful, realistic planning, confidence in the system will fall...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) As workplaces began to shutter last week, toilet paper dwindled, major events canceled and schools extended spring-break weeks to a month, some conservatives wondered how far the coronavirus hysteria would go. The obvious red line, it seemed,...
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