Wednesday, September 18, 2024


Trump Renews Calls for ‘Unity’ and ‘Greatness’ in SOTU Address

'We must choose whether we are defined by our differences or whether we dare to transcend them...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) With nary a mention of the government shutdown looming in 10 more days, President Donald Trump spent much of his roughly 90-minute State of the Union address seeking common...

Sore Loser GOP Congressman Attacks Meadows, Freedom Caucus

'The most dangerous place in Washington is between Rep. Mark Meadows and a media camera...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Considered to be among President Donald Trump's closest allies in Congress, the House Freedom Caucus took fire Tuesday from a former congressman who touted himself as Trump supporter but was unseated...

Virginia Lt. Gov.’s Sex-Assault Allegations Add New Layer to Dems’ Scandal Dilemma

'Tellingly, not one other reputable media outlet has seen fit to air this false claim...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) New sexual-assault accusations against Virginia's lieutenant governor, paired with the racist scandal against its governor, could result in the Left's biggest case to date of "intersectionality" run amok. In one corner is...

Michael Moore Wants Constitution’s Age Limit Repealed So ‘AOC’ Can ‘Crush’ Trump

'We put that in the Constitution, the Founding Fathers, because people died at 38 or 40 back then...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Filmmaker Michael Moore has never let immutable facts get in the way of a good story while producing his radical leftist pseudo-documentaries. So it's no surprise that Moore would...

PENTAGON: Trump Doesn’t Need ‘Emergency’ Declaration for Military to Build Wall

'Defense may provide support for the counterdrug activities Construction of roads and fences ... to block drug smuggling corridors across international boundaries...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) At a House Armed Services Committee hearing Tuesday, Defense Under Secretary John Rood dropped a bombshell in response to questions from Rep. Mo...

New Texas Rep. Chip Roy Makes Unannounced Border Trip to Show #PelosiDoesntCare

'He’s a badass and he’s really listening about these dangerous orgs...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) The emerging socialist wing of the Democratic Party has received all the attention as its wave of foul-mouthed, poorly behaved freshman representatives dominate headlines with their radical---and infeasible---progressive vision for America. However, newly elected Rep. Chip...

Patriots TE Gronkowski Draws #MeToo Wrath for Lewd Jokes

'What’s six times nine plus six plus nine?' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) As his team readies for yet another NFL Super Bowl appearance on Sunday, New England Patriots tight end Rob Gronkowski is dealing with an unwelcome #MeToo distraction over a lewd remark he made to a female reporter. In a...

Christie Looks, Acts Unhealthy in Boozy Colbert Interview

'Before we get to that, are we drinking tonight or not?' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) At the conclusion of his segment Tuesday on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert,” former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie quipped offhandedly that the appearance could signal the launch of a potential 2020 challenge against...

Old Photo of Soot-Covered Miners Triggers Race-Obsessed Patron

'Blackface is only a glimpse of a larger issue...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Since the 2008 election of President Barack Obama was said to have ushered in America's post-racial era, perceptions of racial division and conflict, far from vanishing, have undergone complex, often Orwellian transformations. Where once we celebrated a "melting...

Former W.H. Aide Says Leaker Kellyanne Has Trump’s Favor Because She Fights for Him

'One thing that never goes out of style in the Trump White House is someone who’s willing to go on TV and just fight it out with somebody...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) On his former "Colbert Report" show, TV talk-show host Stephen Colbert was known for having cultivated a fake...

Ex-NBC Anchor Brokaw Likely Headed to Pasture After Candid Immigration Slip

'You misspelled, "I apologize for my ignorant and demeaning glib generalization"...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Troubles continue swirling in the news industry. Facing the fallout of financial struggles and embarrassing fake-news feeding frenzies, the latest symbolic smack-down could be the downfall of Tom Brokaw, the last man standing from the heyday...

McCaskill Blames Senate Loss on Mitch McConnell’s Supreme Court ‘Strategy’

'I don’t know what he really cares about, other than holding on to his job...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Former Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., who lost her re-election bid last November, blamed the cold-hearted, partisan strategizing of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., for costing her the race. "He sees his...
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