Friday, September 20, 2024


Rural Counties in Ore. and Calif. Hope to Secede through Greater Idaho Movement

'This is our last resort...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) On the heels of West Virginia politicians' efforts to encourage outraged Virginia counties to secede from its far-left government, another serious secession crisis is arising on the opposite end of the country. Residents of rural Oregon, tired of being ruled by the...

CNN, Leftist Media Complain of Being ‘Snookered’ by Charlatan Michael Avenatti

'I mean, the total collapse of his life is really sort of extraordinary...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) The latest example du jour of the Left's fickleness and poor judge of character is Michael Avenatti, the disgraced former lawyer of Trump accuser Stormy Daniels, who was briefly lionized by liberal media...

BERNIE: Workers in Energy Sector Must Be Ready to ‘Change Jobs’

' This is a system that cannot be defended...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) In a state that Hillary Clinton carried by only 136,386 votes four years ago, current Democratic presidential contender Bernie Sanders may have just tossed out 91,000. Sanders told a local Denver station that those working in the fossil-fuels...

Obama Strategist: Dems Must Avoid Campaign Pitfalls of 2012 Loser Mitt Romney

'The only people truly shocked by Obama’s victory, which was predicted by the polls and the various data models, was the Romney campaign...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) In and op-ed for Politico, former Obama strategist Dan Pfeiffer slapped down the Left's latest "folk hero," Sen. Mitt Romney, by reminding his...

Vulnerable SC Dem Dodges and Disavows Support for Socialist Bernie Sanders

'Bernie’s proposals to raise taxes on almost everyone is not something the Lowcountry wants and not something I’d ever support...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) One of the most politically vulnerable Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives predictably disavowed socialist primary front-runner Bernie Sanders. Joe Cunningham, D-SC, was one of several...

‘Moderate’ Buttigieg Promises Free Gov’t Healthcare for Illegals, Sex Changes

'This is not a luxury. This is medicine; this is health care...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Once again, fake "moderate" Democratic primary candidate Pete Buttigieg proved that his policy positions are far more extreme than radicals like former President Barack Obama and 2016 candidate Hillary Clinton. With two of the nominating...

Dems Bitter over GOP Primary Tactic that THEY Backed in 2018

'We were stunned, because from our understanding this has never been done before...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Senate Democrats bitterly decried foul play amid accusations that a GOP-funded political-action committee in North Carolina was helping bolster a weak, left-wing opponent to take on Sen. Thom Tillis, R-NC, in the November...

DNC ‘Intimately Involved’ w/ App that Led to Iowa Caucus Failures

'The security steps that were taken made it difficult for an even technologically apt person to log in...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) The Democratic National Committee was “intimately involved” in the production and use of the failed Shadow app that led to catastrophic caucus failures, according to Yahoo News. The report...

Dem. Strategist Carville Fires Back at Bernie: ‘At Least I’m Not a Communist’

'Last night on CNN, Bernie Sanders called me a political hack. That’s exactly who the f--- I am!' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) After Democratic strategist James Carville raised concerns about Sen. Bernie Sanders’s electability, the presidential candidate called Carville a “hack.” Carville’s response was simple: “At least I’m not a communist.” Carville,...

Joe Biden: ‘I Don’t Know What Happened’ to Lindsey Graham

'I love Joe Biden as a person, he is a really decent man ... but I have a conscience very clear right now. And I have a duty...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Former Vice President Joe Biden, the erstwhile Democratic primary front-runner, said he doesn’t “know what happened” to Senate...

Majority of Voters, Including Independents, Call Bidens' Ukraine Dealings a Scandal

Media no longer reporting that there is 'no evidence' of Bidens' misconduct... (Joshua Paladino, Liberty Headlines) In their failed attempt to remove President Donald Trump from office, Democrats seem to have hurt one of their own: presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden. A new Politico/Morning Consult poll shows that...

NYTimes Tries to Discredit Durham’s Russia Hoax Probe, Questions of CIA Cover-Up

'Mr. Durham appears to be pursuing a theory that the C.I.A. ... had a preconceived notion about Russia ... and was nefariously trying to keep other agencies from seeing the full picture...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) New reports confirm the long-held suspicions that disgraced former CIA Director John Brennan is...
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