Friday, September 27, 2024


Sen. Paul, Rep. Biggs: Fauci Wants Lockdowns 'Until There's Nothing to Reopen'

'The very foundation of our medical care system has been rocked---not solely because of the virus, but also because of the response to the virus...' (Joshua Paladino, Liberty Headlines) Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., and Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., wrote that Drs. Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx "seek to corral our...

TRUMP: U.S. Will Not Shut Down Again If There Is a Second COVID Wave

'Whether it’s an ember or a flame, we’re going to put it out. But we’re not closing our country...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) President Donald Trump said Thursday that he would not implement another shutdown---even if a second wave of the coronavirus struck in the fall. “People say that’s a very...

5th Circuit Judge Puts Texas Dems’ Mail-In Voting Scam on Hold … Temporarily

'What we’ve seen from the Left is a willingness to change any rule ... if it prevents even the slightest friction for their ground game this November...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) A Texas federal appeals court on Wednesday issued a temporary stay of a lower court’s ruling expanding mail-in voting...

Illinois House Boots Republican Lawmaker for Refusing to Wear Mask

'If I was concerned about my health---and if I firmly believed what the governor said about staying home---I would stay home...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) The Illinois state legislature voted to remove a Republican lawmaker on Wednesday because he did not want to wear a face mask, according to NBC...

Mississippi Church That Defied Shutdown Burned to the Ground By Arsonist

'I don't think it's any secret that there's a growing hostility toward churches across the board...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) A Mississippi church that continued to hold services throughout the coronavirus shutdown was burned to the ground by an arson, according to authorities. An unidentified suspect reportedly vandalized and set fire...

Cuomo Blames Failed Nursing Home Policy on Trump

'They should ask President Trump. I think that will stop the conversation...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Embattled New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has been dodging blame for his policy forcing long-term-care facilities to accept COVID-19 patients. Now he’s arguing that President Donald Trump is responsible for the thousands of nursing home...

SCHUMER: Trump’s IG Firings Have Turned Presidency into a ‘Dictatorship’

'This administration led by the president just hides from the truth...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., blasted President Donald Trump for firing multiple inspectors general, accusing the president of launching a dictatorship. “This administration led by the president just hides from the truth," Schumer told CNN...

Trump Deletes Michigan Tweet; Reiterates Threat to Pull Funds over Mail-In Voting

'When you send out 7.7 million mail-in ballots, there’s forgeries...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) President Donald Trump reiterated his threat to withhold federal funding from states that expand vote-by-mail systems, arguing that mail-in ballots are riddled with “tremendous fraud.” On Wednesday, Trump had blasted Michigan and Nevada, two crucial battleground states,...

Are Biden’s Policy Think-Tanks Deeply Indebted to China?

(Ben Sellers, Headline USA) It comes as no surprise that the Chinese government declined President Donald Trump's call last October to investigate the Bidens. After all, the communist country already was heavily investing in the Bidens. But the sweetheart deal that then-Vice President Joe Biden helped his son Hunter to broker...

REPORT: Thousands Disfranchised by Wisconsin’s Mail-In Voting Attempt

'It will be a chaotic, fraud- and disenfranchisement-filled nightmare...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) A postmortem report on Wisconsin's controversial primary election in April further debunked the false claims of mail-in-ballot activists who aim to use the coronavirus panic to sow chaos in the November general election. The fearmongering opponents of democracy...

Far-Left Editorialists for NC's Largest Newspapers Bash Dem. Gov. for Unemployment Fiasco

'Cooper has a crisis within a crisis ... and he needs to do more than tell officials to move faster...' (Joshua Paladino, Liberty Headlines) North Carolina's two largest newspapers ran identical editorials on Monday that criticized Gov. Roy Cooper for the state's unemployment "disaster." The editorial ran in the Charlotte Observer...

AOC Primary Challenger Blasts Her As ‘Out-of-Touch,’ ‘MIA’

'You're always working on your celebrity status. You're divisive, and you work against the party...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Former CNBC anchor Michelle Caruso--Cabrera, who is running in the Democratic primary against New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio--Cortez, blasted the freshman congresswoman as an "out-of-touch" elitist who was missing in action...
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