Friday, June 28, 2024


REPORT: NBA Ignored Countless Complaints about Training Camps in China

The NBA has long refused to condemn China’s human rights abuses, even when the complaints were coming from their own employees. Multiple coaches at three NBA training academies in China complained to NBA officials that their Chinese counterparts were abusing young players, failing to provide schooling, and taking advantage of...

US to Bring 6,400 Troops Home from Germany; Move 5,600 More

(Associated Press) Spurred on by President Donald Trump's demand to pull troops out of Germany, the U.S. will bring about 6,400 forces home and shift about 5,600 to other countries in Europe, U.S. defense leaders said Wednesday, detailing a Pentagon plan that will cost billions of dollars and take years...

BIG BROTHA: George Floyd Family Unveils Hologram Overlooking Va. Monument

(Headline USA) The family of George Floyd witnessed the unveiling of a hologram in Virginia Tuesday night, where flickering lights came together to create an image of Floyd's head and shoulders transposed over the Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee statue. The event in Richmond on historic Monument Avenue was the...

Trump Skips Farewell to Civil Rights Icon Rep. John Lewis

(Associated Press) One by one, they passed through the grand Capitol Rotunda to pay respects to the civil rights icon. It was a solemn display of unity as congressional leaders from both sides of the aisle offered praise for longtime Georgia Rep. John Lewis. There was House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who...

Kaepernick, Fauci Given Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Award

Failed NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick and Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of the White House’s leading health experts, will be awarded the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Ripple of Hope Award, the organization announced on Monday. Kaepernick and Fauci are examples of the “courageous pursuit of equality and justice,” the organization...

Building Owner Seeks SCOTUS Relief After NYC Vandals Awarded $6.75M for Graffiti

Should graffiti be protected from property owners? That’s a question many people would consider ludicrous, but a New York City court awarded graffiti “artists” $6.75 million in damages when a building owner whitewashed what he considered vandalism. Now, real estate developer G&M Realty is petitioning the U.S. Supreme Court for help. “We...

Tom Cotton Defends Bill Defunding Schools that Promote ‘Garbage’ 1619 Project

Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., introduced a bill last week that would pull federal funding from schools that include the New York Times’s “1619 Project.” The "project" is a series of historically inaccurate essays that argue America was founded to preserve slavery, in their teaching curricula.  The Saving American History Act of...

Cuomo Threatens Ted Nugent w/ 14-Day COVID Arrest over Pro-Police Rally

Legendary rocker and devout patriot Ted Nugent was invited to sing the national anthem at a massive pro-law enforcement rally in Nassau County, New York, this weekend. But Democrats, led by New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, prevented Nugent from attending. Cuomo even threatened to have Nugent arrested if he dared attend...

MIKE DITKA: Athletes Who Kneel During Anthem Should ‘Get The Hell Out’

Former NFL coach Mike Ditka blasted professional athletes who kneel during the national anthem, telling them to “get the hell out of the country” if they “can’t respect” it. Over the past couple of weeks, dozens of professional athletes have knelt during the national anthem as the teams launch their...

Cancel Culture’s Next Target: Boston’s Monument to BLACK Civil War Heroes

(Headline USA) The white Union Army commander sits rigid atop an imposing horse. His black men, rifles to their shoulders, march resolutely alongside on their way to battle. For L’Merchie Frazier, the towering bronze relief in downtown Boston captures the stirring call to arms answered by black soldiers who served...

LAFFER CURBED: Students Sue NY University after Leftist Mob Disrupts Speech

A conservative student group is suing SUNY Binghampton University after school officials allowed radical protesters to shut down a lecture last year by renowned conservative economist Dr. Arthur Laffer. Laffer was supposed to present a lecture titled “Trump, Tariffs, and Trade Wars” in November, but school officials were made aware...

Trump Cancels Plans to Throw First Pitch at Yankee Stadium in August

(Headline USA) President Donald Trump won't be throwing out the first pitch at Yankee Stadium next month after all. Trump tweeted Sunday that he won't be able to make the trip because of his "strong focus" on the coronavirus, vaccines and the economy. Trump said in the tweet: "We will...
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