Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Fetterman Claims He Will Debate Oz…but Not till Late October

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) After a great deal of pressure from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Democrat Pennyslvania Lt. Gov. and Senatorial candidate John Fetterman--a Harvard graduate and fake blue-collar laborer--has committed to a debate with Republican candidate for Senate, Dr. Mehmet Oz, the Epoch Times reported. Last month Fetterman said that...

Democrat S.C. Senate Candidate: You Gotta Treat White People like Sh**

(Mark Pellin, Headline USA) The hypocrisy of Joe Biden’s party of unity was again on full display, when South Carolina state representative and Democrat candidate for U.S. Senate Krystle Matthews was caught boasting that the only way to get the respect of white people is “you gotta treat them like...

AOC Frets Marrying a White Man & Fears Death by MAGA Republicans

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., is terrified of many things—death by Trump supporters, bad treatment from her leftist colleagues and even an upcoming marriage to a white man. The Squad-leading leftist appeared on the cover of the latest edition of GQ, posing in a bespoke navy-blue suit,...

WEF-Linked Leftists, Dems Peddling Recycled Sewage as Drinking Water

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) Sir James Bevan, head of the United Kingdom's Environment Agency, who is linked to the World Economic Forum, has stated that "drinking recycled sewage is the future." According to Big League Politics, Bevan also said he wanted people to be "less squeamish" about drinking "toilet-to-tap" water,...

Idaho GOP Blasts Groomer Fest w/ Kids Drag Show, Backed by Dems and Woke Corporations

(John McCann, Headline USA) Local government officials in the city of Boise, Idaho, have come under fire for encouraging and funding explicit LGBT Pride events. One of the events on the docket, a children's drag show, has received an especially high amount of backlash. In addition to support and funding from leftist...

Study Finds Having Kids Makes You More Conservative

(Joshua Paladino, Headline USA) New research has demonstrated the well-known trend that parents hold more conservative views, particularly regarding abortion, sex, immigration and foreign policy, than people without children. Researchers at Pennsylvania University in Philadelphia interviewed 2,610 adults in 10 countries and asked them about their devotion to parenthood and...

Activist Org Tries to Smear Oath Keepers by Doxxing Upstanding Members

(Joshua Paladino, Headline USA) The Anti-Defamation League sifted through leaked membership information from the Oath Keepers and then doxxed public officials, police officers, first responders and military personnel who contacted the group, even if they did not have any further involvement. The ADL's research found 370 potential Oath Keepers in...

Unhinged Ex-Celeb Kathy Griffin Delivers ‘Civil War’ Ultimatum to Republicans

(Headline USA) Former B-list celebrity turned full-time Twitter troll Kathy Griffin threatened a “civil war” this week if Republicans win in November. “If you don’t want a Civil War, vote for Democrats in November. If you do want Civil War, vote Republican,” she tweeted on Tuesday. If you don’t want a...

First CNN, Now Politico: Left-Leaning Rag May Seek GOP-Friendly Makeover

(Headline USA) Politico’s new owner, Mathias Döpfner, reportedly supported former President Donald Trump in 2020 and hopes to make the publication less hostile to conservatism, according to the Washington Post. Döpfner, who bought Politico for roughly $1 billion in 2021, told the Post in a profile released last week that he...

‘My Son Hunter’ Movie Released to Rave Reviews, Exposes Biden Corruption and Media Complicity

(Mark Pellin, Headline USA) The long-anticipated feature film My Son Hunter was released Wednesday, documenting, lampooning and exposing the corruption and decadence rife within the Biden family and its contagion spread into politics and crime. “This is not a true story, except for all the facts,” the film declares in its...

Biden Admin Pushes Drug-Supply Vending Machines on Rural, Red State

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) In order to make drug use more commonplace and more accepted in rural America, President Joe Biden and his administration have allocated nearly $4 million to supply small Appalachian towns with drug vending machines. Appalachia has been ravaged by drug use for decades, most recently falling...

Deep State Leak Fuels Leftist Media’s Scare & Fear Campaign as Cover for Mar-a-Lago Raid

(Mark Pellin, Headline USA) After revelations made public the FBI’s egregious overreach during its militarized Mar-a-Lago raid, with agents heisting personal items belonging to Donald Trump that included medical and tax records, clothing, books, passports and empty folders, the Biden regime and its enablers in the leftist media decided a...
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