Friday, September 20, 2024


PARK POLICE: Media, Dems Lying About Trump’s ‘Photo-Op,’ ‘Tear-Gassing’

Once again another false narrative amplified by the media is debunked... (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) After President Trump’s Monday night address, Democrats and the mainstream media quickly condemned the president after reports surfaced that Park Police had used tear gas on "peaceful" protesters to clear the area. Officials, however, clarified that...

Police Injured by Brutal Antifa Attacks in St. Louis, Las Vegas, Chicago, NY…

'We came here to riot...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) As violence and chaos continue to accompany the riots across the country, dozens of law-enforcement officials are being targeted by radical Antifa leftists. In St. Louis on Monday night, four officers were hospitalized after a rioter allegedly opened fire oat a line...

WATCH: Media Ignores Shocking Video of Black Police Officer Strangling Suspect

'He can’t breathe. He can't breathe. He is not able to breathe. He is shaking, sir. He can't breath...' (Joshua Paladino, Liberty Headlines) As leftist media outlets fixated on George Floyd's death, they neglected to cover another episode of police brutality that does not fit neatly into their racially divisive...

Twitter Trolls (Including AOC) Demand de Blasio's Resignation for Defending NYPD

'Hatred of Bill de Blasio might be the only bipartisan political position in America...' (Joshua Paladino, Liberty Headlines) Calls for New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, a Democrat, to resign trended on Twitter last weekend after he defended the New York City Police Department's action against rioters. Rioters surrounded NYPD...

ICE Joins Manhunt for Criminal Illegal Released by Wa. Sanctuary County

'It is our feeling that the most likely way for us to find out where Mr. Eckles is is to contact the person that was in possession of his vehicle...' (Joshua Paladino, Liberty Headlines) Immigration and Customs Enforcement in Washington state joined the Kittitas County Sheriff’s Office in search of a...

Sen. Ted Cruz Wants Twitter Investigated for Violating Sanctions Against Iran

'When a company willfully and openly violates the law after receiving formal notice... the federal government should take action...' (Michael Barnes, Liberty Headlines) Sen. Ted Cruz wants Twitter investigated for violating sanctions against the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism. The Texas Republican sent a letter to Attorney General Bill Barr and...

Disgraced Dem. Ex-Congressman Likely Ringleader in Philly Ballot-Stuffing Scandal

'Money talks in this business and bulls**t walks...' (Michael Barnes, Liberty Headlines) Who is campaign “Consultant No. 1”? That’s a question many have been asking since the U.S. Department of Justice announced election fraud charges against a top Philadelphia election supervisor last week. As judge of elections, Domenick DeMuro was supposed to...

UPDATED: Is Mueller Deputy/Hoax Conspirator Weissmann Banking on Pardon from Quid-Pro-Joe?

'It doesn’t get any swampier than this...' UPDATE: Breitbart reports that Joe Biden has cancelled plans to hold an online fundraiser by Mueller investigation prosecutor Andrew Weissmann. ORIGINAL ARTICLE: (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Andrew Weissmann---the ex-deep-state operative who leapfrogged from being a Justice Department investigator, to Mueller's sidekick, to Trump-bashing MSNBC...

Indiana Gov’t Finally Returns Vehicle It Unconstitutionally Seized to Owner

'It was a weird feeling today. I didn’t believe that the vehicle would be mine again until I got home and saw it in my driveway...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Tyson Timbs, the 37-year-old Indiana resident who won his case before the Supreme Court last year, has finally had his...

Chicago Pastor Says Armed Officers Interrupted, Shut Down Church Service

'The only thing she hasn’t done yet is beat the doors down and arrest our members...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot reportedly dispatched armed police officers to interrupt and break up a church service last week, according to Courtney Lewis, the pastor of Cornerstone Baptist Church. It was...

CONGRESSMAN: Activist Judge in Michael Flynn's Case Should be Impeached

'His latest intemperate and arrogant orders encroach on the power to enforce the laws of the United States granted solely to the Executive Branch by the Constitution...' (Joshua Paladino, Liberty Headlines) Rep. Bill Johnson, R-Ohio, said the House should impeach Judge Emmet G. Sullivan for abuse of power. The activist Bill...

Accused Girlfriend-Beater Keith Ellison Bullies Minnesota Business-Owner

'My office has the duty to ... protect businesses that are complying with the order from unfair competition...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) A Minnesota business owner was forced to cancel his plans to reopen after state Attorney General Keith Ellison filed a lawsuit against him this weekend. A tearful Shady’s owner...
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