Thursday, March 6, 2025

Biden Wants Despotic Pandemic Powers to Fight Climate Change

'They're leaning to that direction. If you grant the president's emergency powers to declare a climate emergency, it's just like COVID... '

(Robert Jonathan, Headline USA) With precedent set by authoritarian coronavirus pandemic restrictions, Joe Biden is reportedly mulling the issuance an executive order for the purpose of declaring an open-ended climate emergency.

The U.S energy industry apparently has concerns that the Biden administration could succumb to pressure from radical, climate-change activists, including Democrats in Congress, and implement this form of a COVID 2.0 political power grab.

In a discussion with Just the News, U.S. Oil and Gas Association President Tim Stewart claimed that “They’re leaning to that direction. If you grant the president’s emergency powers to declare a climate emergency, it’s just like COVID.”

He added that this directive would give the Democrat regime “vast and unchecked authority to shut down everything from communications to infrastructure,” which in that scenario could include water, electricity and even freezing financial assets.

Stewart noted in this context that “They can literally do exactly what they did in COVID.”

According to Just the News, “Stewart also warned that declaring an emergency could result in the censoring of those disagreeing about a climate crisis, like critics of so-called COVID mandates on masks and vaccines were.”

Whether this emergency declaration would pass constitutional muster is another matter.

History has shown that Big Pharma-controlled, pro-lockdown regulators and designated experts missed the mark during the COVID outbreak, while accusing independent scientists, physicians and others who didn’t go along with the narrative of propagating misinformation.

While demanding compliance from the public, critics argued that the follow-the-science establishment appeared to have ignored the science.

“Biden has repeatedly said the world, or at least the U.S., is in a ‘climate crisis’ and on several occasions has called it an emergency,” the news outlet recalled.

Last month, insurgent 2204 Democrat presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr, a career environmental lawyer who maintains that global warming is real, asserted that this so-called crisis “is being used as a pretext for clamping down totalitarian controls the same way the COVID crisis was.”

The implication is that Democrats and their globalist allies are again seizing upon the never-let-a-crisis-go-to-waste rubric.

Climate change is being used to control us through fear. Freedom and free markets are a much better way to stop pollution,” RFK Jr insisted on Twitter.

In the video clip that he shared on the social media platform, he also told Jordan Peterson, in part, that “And it’s the same kind of cabal of people who will use every crisis to stratify society toward greater power…and less power for everybody else…my approach to energy is using free markets and not top-down control.”

Late last month, Biden directed to the Labor Department to issue the first-ever hazard alert for heat and told the agency to take other measures in connection with heat-related safety.

The announcement came with a prologue that “Millions of Americans are currently experiencing the effects of extreme heat, which is growing in intensity, frequency, and duration due to the climate crisis.”

In the meantime, China, which is said to be the world’s primary polluter, continues its construction spree of coal plants.

In a November 2021 editorial, the New York Post set forth a list of some of the multi-decade, doom-and-gloom, goal-post-moving predictions about a man-made climate apocalypse that have never materialized.

“Climate change is real, but adapting to it, mitigating it with technology is the most realistic solution. Will China and India just give up on coal, gas and oil overnight? No, and neither will the United States. But emissions already are falling in Western countries, the world is innovating,” the Post opinion piece concluded.

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