Saturday, June 15, 2024

Biden to Use Army of Social Media ‘Influencers’ to Spin Regime Rhetoric

'They apparently are going to have full access to the WH briefing room... '

(Dmytro “Henry” AleksandrovHeadline USA) The White House digital strategy team will use hundreds of social media “influencers” all around the country to show Joe Biden in good light, despite his record, so that young and brainwashed Americans would vote for him in 2024.

The White House will also potentially designate a briefing room for the young members of the propaganda machine at the presidential mansion, according to Axios.

Four staffers for the White House would focus their attempts on unpaid influencers and independent content creators, Biden officials said. They also added that these four staffers would be pushing digital influence to gain support from young voters ahead of the president’s likely bid for re-election in 2024.

“We’re trying to reach young people, but also moms who use different platforms to get information and climate activists and people whose main way of getting information is digital,” Jen O’Malley Dillon, White House deputy chief of staff, said.

The so-called “content creators” could potentially set up camp in a dedicated briefing space at the White House to meet in person or remotely.

One of those young propagandists is Harry Sisson, a 20-year-old New York University [NYU] student, who spews leftist talking points daily to his 660,000 followers on TikTok.

However, as Sisson revealed to Axios, it wasn’t the White House who reached out to them but rather the Gen Z leftists who asked the White House for official press briefing passes.

“They were actually very responsive to it,” he stated.

The desire of the Biden administration to use the so-called “influencers” from TikTok is understandable. Youth voters between the ages of 19 and 29 favored Biden over Donald Trump by a 26-point margin during the 2020 presidential election, with Democrats, in general, receiving 28-points over Republicans in the 2022 midterms, according to the Edison Research National Election Pool exit poll.

“The national youth vote choice for the U.S. House of Representatives was 63% for Democrats, 35% for Republicans,” the exit poll stated.

“That’s almost identical to 2020 when youth preferred Democrats to Republicans by 62% to 36%, and a small shift in favor of Republicans from the previous midterm: in 2018, the youth vote between Democrats and Republicans was 67% to 32% — which was the largest margin ever for Democrats among young voters.”

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