Friday, July 26, 2024

Biden Downplays FBI Scandal, Claims to ‘Know Nothing’ About Framing of Flynn

‘He should stop trying to always divert attention from the real concerns of the American people…’

(Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Amid growing evidence that former President Barack Obama approved a partisan FBI conspiracy to smear President Donald Trump and his advisors, current Democratic candidate Joe Biden, claimed to “know nothing” about it.

During an appearance on ABC’s Good Morning America, the former vice president took softballs from ex-Bill Clinton staffer George Stephanopoulos, but Biden refused to acknowledge any direct role in snaring former national security adviser Michael Flynn with a perjury trap in the very early days of the Trump presidency.

“I know nothing about those moves to investigate Michael Flynn, No. 1,” Biden claimed. “No. 2, this is a game that’s all about diversion.”

Instead of addressing the scandal, Biden desperately tried to stay on message, claiming—in what has become a familiar refrain throughout the course of his campaign—that any serious scrutiny of his own record was irrelevant and distracting.

“I mean this is—we have an economic crisis, we have a health crisis,” Biden said. “This is all about diverting attention. Focus on what’s in front of us.”

Meanwhile, he refused to focus on the question in front of him about the FBI abuses, downplaying the slow-burning controversy as a minor issue.

Trump “should stop trying to always divert attention from the real concerns of the American people,” Biden said.

The Deep State Feels the Heat

The allegations of corruption in the Obama-era FBI and other agencies may be among the greatest crises American democracy has ever faced.

Some of Obama’s top intelligence officials could soon prosecution over the seditious attempt to spy on Trump’s campaign and then undermine his presidency with false innuendo from the discredited Steele Dossier.

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Robert Mueller, James Comey and Barack Obama / IMAGE: The Obama White House via Youtube

Stephanopoulos asked Biden about a January 2017 Oval Office meeting during which FBI Director James Comey discussed the possibility of framing Flynn by using the using the antiquated Logan Act against him.

“I was aware that there was—that they asked for an investigation,” Biden conceded. “But that’s all I know about it.”

Flynn struck a plea deal during the Mueller investigation after corrupt FBI agent Peter Strzok stealth-edited documents to suggest he lied about his contact with a Russian diplomat.

But newly declassified evidence confirms that the FBI conspired to lure Flynn into a trap by withholding information from him, leading Attorney General William Barr to drop the charges.

The revelations are believed to signal one of the first steps toward completion of an extensive criminal probe by the Justice Department into the origins of the Russian collusion claims.

Biden, however, was in no rush to see special prosecutor John Durham conclude his investigation.

“You have plenty of time to investigate this issue,” he insisted. “I think there’s nothing there there, but it’s not a surprise that in fact the Justice Department decided anybody who was an ally of the president didn’t do anything wrong ever anyway.”

Gimme Shelter

Nor did Biden, who has been taking refuge in his basement after a series of campaign-trail blunders, seem particularly eager for the coronavirus quarantine to end.

With much of the country beginning to reopen after two months of media fearmongering and restrictive stay-at-home orders, Biden continued to milk the pandemic as a platform to launch his political attacks on Trump.

“The American people are worried with good reason,” Biden said. “… He hasn’t done his job. This is all about diverting attention. Divert attention from the horrible way in which he has acted.”

The diversion claim echoed several other attempts Biden has made to duck personal accountability on his own scandals—among them, the role he and his son Hunter played in a series of shady business deals with foreign countries including Ukraine and China.

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Joe Biden / IMAGE: MSNBC via YouTube

Biden also has largely stonewalled over recent accusations of a 1993 sexual assault, despite growing calls for him to grant access to his Senate archives at the University of Delaware.

Stephanopoulos did not ask Biden about either issue of those scandals but allowed him to hammer Trump with vague talking points and deploy misleading claims about the health crisis.

“Think about this—look, can you imagine any other president of the United States focusing on this [the FBI scandal] at the moment when the country is just absolutely concerned about their health, the health of their children, the health of their families,” Biden said.

Unlike the Obama-era swine flu pandemic, in which more than a thousand young children died, very few children have been stricken by the coronavirus. Most of those who experience symptoms or die as a result of it are over the age of 65 or have pre-existing conditions that make them susceptible.

When asked what his own response to the pandemic would have been, Biden said it would simply be to follow the advice of “experts” like Coronavirus Task Force member Anthony Fauci.

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