Friday, October 25, 2024

Kamala Won’t Be on Joe Rogan’s Podcast

'I guess she is not speaking anymore...'

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris’s campaign admitted that she would not go on the insanely popular Joe Rogan podcast because of the “scheduling” issues.

The recent news came after Politico revealed that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump would meet Rogan, potentially resulting in him attracting even more potential voters.

Harris’s intern, Ian Sams, told MSNBC viewers that Harris would not meet Rogan, explaining that she would not do that because she is too busy.

“The vice president is happy to go anywhere and any place to talk to a broad segment of the country. We talked to Rogan and his team about the podcast. Unfortunately, it isn’t gonna work out right now because of the scheduling of this period of the campaign,” he said.

Conservatives on Twitter quickly responded to the recent news by mocking and criticizing Harris and her staff.

“[This] really means she’s far too much of an incompetent coward,” Trump War Room wrote.

Self-described “grumpy American cartoonist” George Alexopoulos also mocked Harris.

“I guess she is not speaking anymore,” he wrote, clearly mocking Harris’s attempt to appease feminists by attempting to continue saying when someone interrupts her even for one second. “She’s hiding in Biden’s basement from 4 years ago, a winning strategy.”

Elon Musk also pointed out that Harris’s decision not to attend Rogan’s show was a smart move because her team knew she would never be able to survive the three-hour unscripted conversation with Rogan.

“Nothing would sink Kamala’s campaign faster than a 3-hour unscripted conversation with Joe Rogan,” Musk wrote.

Others, however, noted that if she can’t talk for hours with someone, she is not fit to be a president of the United States.

“If you can’t handle a straightforward conversation with Rogan, you’re unfit to lead the free world. Leadership demands resilience, not avoidance,” @BonX41A wrote.

Troll accounts also used an opportunity to mock Harris.

“Now that Trump is going on Joe Rogan, Kamala will have to go on Talk Tuah if she wants any chance at staying in the race,” @greg16676935420 wrote.


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