Monday, October 21, 2024

Desperate Kamala Threatens Black Men to Vote for Her

'The desperation is real...'

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris and the leftists who work for her campaign are getting desperate. 

It was recently reported that the Harris campaign released an ad on Snapchat and Instagram, threatening men, specifically black men, to vote if they decided not to vote before.

In the ad, a young man is introduced to several young women. All of them like that he is tall, rich and athletic. However, when they ask him whether he plans to vote, and he says he doesn’t, all the girls reject him.

The moral of the story? If you want to be in a relationship with a woman, vote or stay alone for the rest of your life.

Even though the ad doesn’t specifically tell young black men to vote for Harris, its intention is obvious, considering that the Harris campaign sponsored it, and women tend to vote for Democrats.

Co-owner of Trending Politics, Colin Rugg, shared the ad in one of his Twitter posts and reported that the ads are “running near college campuses in key swing states.”

He also noted that the ad primarily targets women (65%) so that they would blackmail their current or potential apolitical boyfriends.

“The desperation is real,” Rugg wrote in another social media post.

Conservatives in the comments sections under Rugg’s posts relentlessly mocked the Harris campaign.

“This is what a failing campaign looks like,” the Dear America host Graham Allen wrote.

A self-described “grumpy cartoonist,” George Alexopoulos, stated that sexual desires should be sacrificed to save the United States.

“Making America Great Again is better than any amount of stank pu**,” he wrote.

Others mocked the lack of leftists’ understanding of why young straight men flee the party

“Ah, yes. More ads written by women & gay men. ‘I don’t know why we’re polling poorly with straight males,'” @humanfreqtrader wrote.

The recent news came after it was discovered that men of all races are leaving the Democratic Party and, therefore, refuse to vote for Harris.

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